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Walking up the stairs and into Dakota's room, I don't know what I expected

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Walking up the stairs and into Dakota's room, I don't know what I expected. All I know is this wasn't it.

"Holy..." I drift off, looking around the bedroom with wide eyes. "Your room is absolutely trashed." I mutter, kicking at an empty soda can on the floor.

Dakota shrugs, leaving the door open, as he walks towards his night stand and grabs a space gray laptop. "Sorry." He chuckles a little but I don't spot any sort of embarrassment in his expression as he stops in front of me, a smile on his lips. "Ready to go?"

My brows pull together. "Go where?" I ask him, confused.

He winks, leaning in a bit closer as he whispers, "On an adventure." Stepping past me, his shoulder brushes against me.

I watch him begin descending the staircase with a jump in his step. "What?" I call after him, "Dakota, that's not an answer." I sigh before following suit.

Twenty minutes later I'm buckled into the front seat of a white four door Jeep with, you guessed it, the doors taken completely off. It shouldn't surprise me that, in the heat of the summer, Dakota would prefer the doors off so he can show off being the showy person he is.

The half of my hair that's up is, thankfully, perfectly safe from harm but the half that is down is being whipped around furiously. I pull a few hairs from my mouth, squinting against the pressure of the wind as we drive down winding roads.

A loud song blares through the speakers as Dakota looks over at me, a pair or aviators perched on his nose as his brows raise once at me. "Ready?" He asks me loudly, turning the music down.

"Ready for what?" I holler back, my eyes widening in fear when he smirks and jerks the wheel to the left. The vehicle continues on a dirt road that I would have definitely missed if we weren't on it right now. Leaves and branches barely miss the side of the Jeep, my heart lurching every time I think it's been scraped. "You're insane!" I scream at him.

He replies with a wicked smile before speeding up, making another right turn. "Relax, it's fine. I know where I'm going, just trust me." His words do little to loosen my tense muscles, my hand gripping the edge of my seat and the other holding onto the handle overhead.

"You could be taking me into the woods to kill me for all I know." I lean closer to him as we turn again, the road getting narrower.

"Maybe." He winks, speeding up again. I'm about to smack him upside the head when we suddenly come out into a clearing, a huge patch of land spread before us. Ahead are hills and a field of sunflowers in the distance.

"Woah." I breathe as he stops the vehicle suddenly, the engine turning off. My ears ring in substitution for the loud sound of the wind as I unbuckle my seatbelt and slide out of the car, my mouth open slightly at the view. I look back at the drivers seat but Dakota is already gone. "Dakota?" I speak.

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