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I'm super sorry that there's been so many chapters of the same day but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

"Hey there

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"Hey there." Dakota stands up straight in his driveway as I lean against the doorframe, the door swung open behind me. It didn't take much to find him once I listened for his boisterous laughter.

"Hello, Dakota." I chuckle slightly, taking in his red face and dirty clothes, oil swiped across his forehead and onto his clean gray shirt. "What are you working on?" I inquire, stepping down and closing the door as I approach him.

I stop when another head pops out from under Dakota's Jeep. "We're attempting to make sure Dakota hasn't done anything to ruin this beautiful specimen and very expensive vehicle."

"Hey, I'm paying you back with interest." Dakota defends.

"You must be Dakota and Sam's dad." I smile, continuing forward as I ignore Dakota. "I'm Lillian."

"Oh I know." He winks, sliding back under the vehicle. I don't know how I missed him the first time seeing as I can now clearly see underneath the car. I guess I just wasn't paying any attention.

"What?" I ask, confused as I look to Dakota for an explanation.

He shrugs. "Who knows what he's talking about ninety percent of the time." He scoffs in an obvious attempt to wave off his father's comment.

"Hopefully a lot of people considering he's a professor." I reply smartly, leaning against his car, my fingers running over the white exterior.

"She's got a point." His dad calls from under the Jeep, earning a laugh from me and an eye roll from Dakota.

I shrug, climbing up and into the driver's seat of his vehicle, placing my hands on the wheel, admiring it. My now-dry hair blows slightly in the breeze without a door to protect me from the heat and wind.

"You like it?" Dakota asks me, settling into the passenger seat.

"Obviously." I breathe, "Who wouldn't? Why are you guys checking it again?" I ask him curiously.

Dakota leans back in his seat, propping his legs in the dashboard. "My dad makes me do this with him every time I go off-roading just in case."

"That's either smart or very overly paranoid." I whisper quietly so his dad can't hear. He mouth I know right in reply and I chuckle.

He pauses and I can feel his eyes on me and I run my own eyes over every button and lever in front of me. "You can drive it sometime...if you want." His voice is low as he says this.

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