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Monday morning I receive a text from Amelia assuring me that the elevator situation has been fixed and she would like for me to come back to work

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Monday morning I receive a text from Amelia assuring me that the elevator situation has been fixed and she would like for me to come back to work.

I personally feel that she misses having me around but I doubt she would ever admit to that.

I obviously replied with haste and assured her that I'm more than ready to return to work and not just because I'm craving the store's infamous in-house baked bagels either. Well that and I'm sick of sitting around.

My dad didn't say anything about me getting home late on Friday night which doesn't surprise me because it really wasn't that late. He's come home from being out with his friends way after three in the morning before so me coming home at eleven thirty at night definitely shouldn't be questioned.

Dakota hasn't texted me either. I don't find this unusual because I figured he would be recovering from that party as well as I and having a chill weekend. Just because we're friends that doesn't means we have to speak every day.

As I throw on a pair of comfy Adidas running shorts and a loose baby pink tee, I slide on my Chacos and give myself one last glance in the mirror before taking out my sagging top knot and leaving my hair tumbling down my shoulders.

Monday mornings are the absolute worst and the slowest at the bookstore so I leave my face clear of makeup. I'm too excited to get back to work to care about what I look like. And, lucky for me, my dad is going in late today so he can drop me off and possibly pick me up. If not, I'll just resort to asking Amelia for a ride which isn't unusual.

"Dad." I jog down the stairs, my phone and house keys in the small backpack over my shoulder among other things.

"In here, Lily." I hear his voice coming from the kitchen, as soon as I walk in I see two pieces of toast spring from the toaster.

"I'm ready to go when you are." I sigh, leaning on the counter and I watch him struggle with the hot bread, pulling a butter knife from the drawer.

My dad looks at me with an amused smile. "Put extra effort in today, did you?" His reading glasses sit perched on his nose and my eyes zero in on the newspaper next to him.

I roll my eyes. "Don't talk to me about putting effort into my appearance, dad. Especially when you're one of those old weird people who still read the paper." I wink at him, grabbing a piece of toast from his grasp and earning an annoyed glance.

"You're hilarious, kid." He deadpans, running jam over his remaining slice of bread as I munch on his other happily. "Go ahead and get in the car, I'll be there in a second. And don't drive away without me again." He holds up a wanting finger as I shake my head.

"I forget you once and you never let me live it down." I mumble, grabbing the keys from the counter and taking another chunk from my toast.

Once I'm in the car, I quickly start it up and smile at the familiar sound of the humming engine. The old family Honda Civic is one of the last surviving memories of how our family was when it used to be...well - a family. I guess neither me or my dad could bring ourselves to sell it or exchange it for a new one. We just pretend it doesn't still smell like mom when the wind blows a certain way or that we still have the hummingbird she bought hanging on the rear view mirror.

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