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I don't know how long I stand there hugging Dakota but, as I step away, I feel a tremendous amount of guilt for keeping him here

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I don't know how long I stand there hugging Dakota but, as I step away, I feel a tremendous amount of guilt for keeping him here. And even worse when I see the wet spot covering his shoulder and when I feel the sweat between the two of us from standing so close in this heat.

"I'm so sorry." I tell him, my tears finally dry as I walk back another step from him. "I got snot all over your shirt." I laugh, my eyes feeling small and swollen.

"It looks better like this. It adds character." He smirks at me, looking at his shoulder.

"Shut up." I chuckle again, tucking my short hairs behind my ear. "Just admit I look disgusting right now and so does that shirt." I picture my frizzy hair and and blood red face mixed with my puffy eyes and wince.

Dakota rolls his eyes. "Don't be such a girl right now. Be proud of yourself that you did it. You let yourself feel and I'm proud of you." His fist punches my upper arm lightly as he smiles at me.

I pretend to rub the spot. "Thanks, Dakota. For everything I mean...being here and all."

"I got to hug you so it's completely my pleasure." He winks, lightening the mood. "Don't worry about it. You can cry on my shoulder any time."

"Well I don't know about that but I am very grateful. You're a great friend." I breathe with a smile, feeling so much lighter.

Dakota pretends to wince and places his hand over his heart. "You've got to go and friend zone me now? You're heartless, Perkins. Truly heartless." He dramatizes.

I roll my eyes before placing my hand on his shoulder and learning forward, placing a small kiss on his cheek without thinking. "You're a dork. I'll see you later." I smile, stepping away to see a smirk on his lips.

"Okay I see you, Perkins. Don't think you're so sly." He winks, raising his brow once before walking backwards to his vehicle.

"Goodbye, Dakota." I reply with a dead tone.

"See you around." Smirks one last time before hopping into his Jeep and pulling away.

I stand there a little dazed and confused as to what just happened; sort of like an out of body experience. I haven't let myself cry that hard in such a long time that I forgot how good it feels to let them flow. My mom used to tell me that tears were healing but, when she left, that wasn't what I wanted to believe anymore.

I turn and face the door once again, this time with a sense of confidence that everything has worked out and everything is okay. Stepping forward, I open the door and walk into the house, immediately feeling even better now that my home surrounds me.

Flopping down onto the couch in the living room, I release a sigh with closed eyes and sit there for a moment in peace. My dad isn't here so I'll have some quiet me time I guess until he gets back. I pull out my phone and peer down at the notifications I've received.

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