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After eating breakfast with my dad, I anxiously get ready for my day

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After eating breakfast with my dad, I anxiously get ready for my day. Doing my best to not think of what's about to be found out today, I attempt to make it easier by playing my Cool Out playlist on Spotify which consists of my favorite indie pop songs. It does well to distract me as I throw on my black high waisted jeans and white v neck cropped tee, though it doesn't help with my indecisiveness as far as choosing the clothes.

I choose my plain black Vans after much deliberating and grab my small backpack, throwing the leather strap over my shoulder and jogging down the stairs, leaving my curly hair tousling down my back.

Riding my bike to work is hot but I hardly notice, the sweat and hard pounding heart beats hidden behind the anxious pit in my stomach. As soon as my bicycle is parked in its usual spot, I stop in front of the door and release a long breath.

"Whatever happens, I will accept the outcome and everything will work out the way it's supposed to." I mumble to myself, breathing slowly to calm my heart rate. Finally, my fingers wrap around the handle and I gently push, cool air greeting me.

I hear Amelia before I see her, her sandals clapping against the hardwood floor. Her light pink sweater throws me off, my eyes locked on the new material. "New sweater?" I ask, feeling even more unnerved by the sudden change. I don't do very well with change.

Her thin hands grasp my forearm tightly, "Yes, I thought I should switch it up on such an important day. He should be here at any moment, I feel so excited and terrified at the same time. I wish there was something else I could do bedsides sit around." She croaks tiredly.

My heart sinks in my chest at her tone of voice, her worry suddenly pushing my own away completely as I focus on her. "It'll be okay, Amelia. Either way, you've done an amazing job running Books and Bagels and I'm honored to have worked under you for the years I've been here." I pat her hand, "And, look at the bright side, if we close the store, you can spend more time with that adorable grandchild of yours." I smile.

She pauses, looking over at me sadly with a glint if hopefulness in her eyes, "Thank you, Lillian. I've loved having you here along with everyone else. But let's just hold out hope that Mr Ward will see the importance in this place that we do."

"You're right." I release her hand, stepping forward and grabbing my name tag from the desk and placing a bright expectant smile on my face, "It's not over yet."

"Exactly." Her lips are lifted slightly, "Now get to work. I have a cart of books on the third floor that need organizing." Her voice is stern but her eyes sparkle as she speaks.

My expression flattens as I nod once, "Sure, I got it." I tell her though we both know that, within the next couple of weeks, all of those books will be pulled off the shelf whether things go our way or not.

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