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By the time the movie is over, it's around ten o'clock and Dakota is currently passed out, drooling quietly on my shoulder

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By the time the movie is over, it's around ten o'clock and Dakota is currently passed out, drooling quietly on my shoulder.

"Dakota." I whisper, closing the laptop and immediately regretting it because I'm left in the pitch dark. "Dakota, wake up." I shrug my shoulder up and down.

He shifts mumbling, "Calm down, I'm awake." Before lifting his head and looking around.

My eyes begin to adjust to the darkness but I still feel a little unsettled just sitting here blindly. "Can we turn a light on?"

"Yeah just give me a second." I hear him sigh, a shadow from the light coming through the window casting a shadow on his face. I watch with squinted eyes as he slowly climbs off of the bed and walks to the door, his hands feeling for the light switch. He trips a few times, mumbling an, "Ow." on the last one.

"You good?" I ask into the dark room, not earning any reply. I'm about to ask again when the lights flicker on and I flinch on instinct, my eyes fighting to stay open against the harshness of the light.

Dakota stands in the doorway with a squished expression, his hand still on the wall as he blinks at me. "I stubbed my toe." He grumbles before stumbling tiredly to the bed and flopping down his stomach right in front of me.

In my tiredness, I reach forward and glide my hand through the front of his hair and fist it, pulling upward until he's looking up at me with red eyes. "Ow." He mumbles, "What do you want?"

"You need to take me home before you pass out and I'm stuck here. Or I could always walk home but I figured you wouldn't want that."

Dakota sighs and I release his hair, his head flopping back down and his face burying into the blankets. "Give me two minutes." His voice is muffled by the comforter beneath him.

"Fine." I chuckle, pulling out my phone to pass the time.

In the two minutes that go by, Dakota manages to completely knock himself out yet again and the current situation I have is a lightly snoring boy who mumbles in his sleep and no ride.

Before bothering trying to wake him again, I sit and decide it's better to just sit her for a little while and let him take a short nap. I don't need him crashing his Jeep on the way to or from my house.

Even though I'm almost one hundred percent sure that Dakota never goes to bed at ten on weekends, I think it's in my best interest to just leave him be for the time being.

Grabbing his laptop from underneath his left arm, I carefully pull it out and push it open. Dakota shifts, scooting forward with his eyes closed so his legs aren't hanging off of the bed and his cheeks rests atop my leg.

I watch him closely to gage whether the movement was conscious or just a side effect of his insane sleeping habits.

That's something I've discovered; the reason for Dakota's crazy hair. He's an absolute crazy sleeper. His hands constantly run through his hair and his fingers play with the ends like a four year old girl. I can't decide if I find it cute or weird.

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