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  She opened her eyes instantly. It seemed it was already five or six in the morning and the traffic was just getting started. It had already passed three days from the night she stormed out of the house with just a small bag filled with her staff. All this time she wandered through the city and no money meant no hotel, no food, no nothing. James had called more than a hundred times but she didn't answer. He must have been furious and for the first time she didn't give a damn.

   She started walking trying to figure out what she was gonna do from now on. Running away from James was probably not a good idea but she was gonna figure it out later. Now she had to ease her hunger or she was gonna faint.

  Approaching a small diner she hesitated. She didn't have to steal or cadge four years now. Lost in thoughts walked nervously into the diner. A smiley woman greeted her and asked what she would like to eat. From her appearance she must have understood that she hadn't ate for days. Silently  went away and when she came back laid in front of her almost everything the menu had to offer. She tapped the back of the pretty girl and went back to her business.

  She started sobbing secretly thinking everything she had been through the last eight years. God it felt like a lifetime. But here she was, back to the scratch. She tried to forget that she had a family, friends and a life totally different back in Greece. And she did it. Slowly, as the years went by she forgot how she  normally looked, what was her position, what she left behind and managed to moved on.

   When after days in the back of a big truck hiding between packages reached Paris she decided to dye her blonde hair. She constantly wore contacts to hide the natural blue colour of her eyes and she cut and threw her id in a river by a small road. On her way out of the toilet of a coffee shop a few miles out of Paris her picture was already in news. She was standing in the middle of it and when none of the clients seemed to recognize her felt proud about her efforts.

   The woman came back bringing her coffee which made her come back to reality. James called again, a call she ignored again.

" Problems with your boyfriend ? ", she asked truly concerned and the girl nodded.

" Your way too pretty honey to cry over a guy ", she winked and left again.

   Well that guy was not someone i could easily ignore if i wanted to stay in London, i thought. He half knew the truth about me and that scared me even more than the fact he was a drug addict with anger problems and a drug dealer who i thought was truly in love with me until i saw him fuck another in our bed. That hurt me more than the slap he used to give me on multiple occasions. Still for four years i thought he was my shelter, something real to all the lies i created about myself.

   I approached the counter being shy, as i began to say that i didn't have any money to pay for the breakfast. The woman smiled at me, put 50 pounds in my pocket despite denying them and stroke my hand like a mother would. My eyes were filled with tears when i walked out of the diner and the cold breeze of London embraced me as i started to walk wondering what should my next move be once again.

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