Chapter 2

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   She quickly gathered the rest of her staff and crossed the street almost running. Still in shock i found myself back in the conference room. People were talking, congratulating one another, shaking my hand. I was trying hard to act normal but Mark kept looking at me strange. I tried to concentrate and i even had the courage to announce our next moves to the rest of the Emerson board and my team. Soon Mark's gaze left me and i knew i played my part good.

   When i reached the hotel room i stormed to the bathroom.Quickly, i undressed and got under the shower in order to calm my heartbeat. "No, it can't be her ", i thought. The girl's hair was dark and her eyes brown. Still the voice, the height, the body everything else was the same. No, i wasn't mistaken. When i got out of the bathroom i made the call.

   " It's been a long time". The man answered the phone amused. It had been more than two years that i decided to stop looking for her.

   " She is in London you fucking idiot. Now you better find her ".

    I ended the call texting him that he had to look for a girl with dark hair, brown contacts and the exact location we met. Thinking about her i realised that she had obviously lost weight and she seemed tired. I started to get worried but i tried to bury the thought. Enough was enough. Bothered by the fact that i only saw her for seconds and i was already thinking constantly about her i went to bed. I actually slept hours later.


   I managed to move my hands and collect the rest of my staff. I stormed to the street trying to get lost of his sight. I was out of breath and i realised that i was running the whole time. I knew he had recognized me. He didn't say anything but the way he looked at me made me almost froze at my position. I knew that i had to completely vanish this time. There was no turning back in Europe. United States, Japan even Australia seemed good at this point. He was calm and he let me go and even though he was looking at me with his cold blue eyes i had seen in them. He was surprised. What the hell was he doing in London ? What the hell was i doing at the business center of London. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

   Thinking what to do i was walking fast cursing in greek. I used to curse a lot but the last eight years i spoke greek whenever i was alone. Now it was liberating and i couldn't resist the urge.

   Finally, i decided that it was time to call James. After three days sleeping in a park it could be nice sleeping in a bed and have a shower. When i reached the house i heard loud voices. James opened the door looking at me warily. When i got inside he punched me in the face. I stepped back surprised by the act of violence and held my nose tight. I saw blood but i didn't scream. I went to the bathroom and he followed me.

" Where the bloody hell were you ? ". He was calm but i knew he was beyond angry.

" Why did you have fuck her ? Why ? "

" I was bloody high ", he shouted. " Ok ? You cost me hundreds pounds this week you stupid whore "

" Oh i am truly sorry that i wasn't here to flirt with your rich junkies in order for you to sell ", i said with irony trying to get out of the bathroom. " Now do you want me to fuck them too ? "

  He blocked my way saying " if you don't want to end up to the street at least for the night freshen up and come to the living room when they arrive ".

  The way he was looking at me made me really scared of him for the first time in four years. I was sure that he would make anything to make money that night and i couldn't risk rape. I went to the bedroom trying to make my nose stop bleeding. Picking up a few more things, i opened the window and walked out on the roof. James and his friends were making so much noise in the living room that they didn't hear me jump. My knee got hurt from the fall so i couldn't really run and get lost from there quickly. Instead, i rushed to our neighbor's alley and hid in there between the dumpsters. Shortly after i heard cursing and people shouting my name running around. Not very far away from me i heard them talking terrified what he would do to me if i got caught.

" Shes gone James"

"She mustn't gotten too far. Its only been what 5 or 10 minutes"

  "I don't know. Come on lets get back inside and take the car. Maybe we will find her in some club"

" Damn. Fuck me ! Fuck. I shouldn't leave the room. That bitch is loaded "

" We will find her. She will come back. She has nowhere else to go. Now come on. Tom is waiting "

   I was extremely afraid but i stayed there until they got back . I waited till
i heard them leave the house for some bar or club to sell drugs. James was cursing on his way out. He was obviously on drugs and i heard the impossible threats he was making with tears in my eyes. When i couldn't hear the car anymore i left my corner and walked slowly but carefully away from there.

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