The end

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  Eleanor and Max delayed the wedding waiting for me to recover. I tried to protest but they had already arranged everything. Max's family had also arrived from Germany and went straight to Spetses where the wedding was gonna be held. They would stay there the whole week so Max and Eleanor also left for Spetses to see them and waited for us to join them when i felt better.

  Andrew decided to travel there with his yacht. He just stated that he needed vacations and he would deal with the companies merger after August. My mom also left for Spetses to leave us alone and Mark, Cassandra and little Alexander would be joining us at the yacht. I knew Andrew made them travel with us. He didn't want to stay alone with me. He thought it was going to be weird Cassandra told me in secret.

   The first five days we stayed together at his place watching all of my favourite movies. Pride & Prejudice, You've got mail, Pretty woman. Surprisingly he didn't make even say a word in protest. We ordered take out every day giving Maria the following weeks off and at the evenings when he finished work and had a drink at the garden we used to hang out. He laughed a lot with my stories from London and shocked i heard him talking about the time he got into the middle of a fight Max started in a nightclub. They had actually followed Eleanor and her date trying to play it cool but things got out of control. They both went to a presentation the next morning with bruised faces. He still hadn't made a move and i was starting to get really bothered from our so called "friendship".

   Not that he seemed indifferent. I caught him staring at me and checking me out a multiple times. He touched me often removing hair from my face or placing his hand on my waist or around my shoulders casually. But still no move. No kiss. Fuck. He was really determined this time.

   When we boarded on the yacht it felt strange. It had been almost nine years since the last time i was here. The trip was rather silent except Alexander's endless energy. Andrew played with him all day. He kept chasing him around, feeding him, playing and swimming with him. He even slept with the child in his cabin. Seeing them together i almost got jealous. From the moment we stepped on the yacht he seemed very distant and he barely talked to me. The last week he behaved more like a friend than a husband. I was almost ready to explode from his indifference but i didn't say anything. I knew he wanted to feel safe with me. I just had to say those three words. Why the hell was it so difficult ?

   The wedding was at the evening. I was getting ready with the girls at Eleanor's hotel room. The guys would use the yacht. I had chosen a red maxi dress with a v cut and spaghetti straps. I left my hair down and slightly wavy. I wore a pair of discreet earrings and my make up was very light. Everybody kept complimenting me.

   When the bride was ready we left her with her father and we all went to the church to wait for her. When i reached there some old friends talked to me. Andrew was standing next to Max and i all i could feel was his gaze on me. When i approached them he pulled me aside gently and by taking my hand in secret he placed back my engagement ring. The same engagement ring i left on the kitchen counter the morning i left him. I tried to speak but he held my hand and we stood together to wait for the bride.

   Eleanor arrived shortly after glowing and Max's eyes fixed on her were shining from happiness. The ceremony ended half an hour later and we went to the party's venue. Most of the time Andrew was beside me, holding my hand. We talked to friends, colleagues and people of the business world. Most of them wanted to meet me so we barely had time to talk to each other. When he looked at me though he was glowing.

  " I thought you two were divorcing ", a man spoke behind us. He was the one asking me out after Eleanor's cocktail party. The son of a very powerful family in Greece and Max's friend from university.

  " As you should know gossips are not always true ", Andrew said ironically.

  " Well with grief i must admit i see it now. You must have been at least crazy to divorce such a woman ", the man said looking intently at me the whole time. I felt Andrew shift in his position and i held him tighter afraid of a scene in the middle of the party.

  " Crazy i am ", Andrew answered meaningful and somewhat threateningly and shortly after the guy returned to his company.

  They all danced and laughed around but i still couldn't. My ribs were fragile and the doctor told me to watch out. When the DJ change the music to a slow song Andrew led me to the dancefloor. We were behaving like that summer again. We both knew or felt the attraction but neither made a move. All night we kept looking to each other and now i thought that if i keep staring into his eyes i will get burnt. He leaned even closer and smiled naughtily to my face. Not helping it i mirrored his action.

  It was around 6 in the morning when the party ended. Everybody was way too drunk to continue so we decided to head back to the yacht. We were walking side by side slowly, enjoying our stroll into the islands small and scenic alleys. We were holding hands and he was carrying my shoes in his hands. We kept side glancing to each other when we saw the bar we had hook up all these years ago. He smiled widely when we passed by the alley we had sex for the first time even though we were both trying to act indifferent.

  " What ? ", i asked seeing him smile.

  " Nothing ", he answered playing it cool.

  " It's obviously something "

  " Well it's weird. I keep thinking about the first we had sex. It must be the island ", he commented casually.

   " What about it ? "

   " I used to think that we were so different back then, you know. You weren't exactly yourself and i was just a guy who had a huge crush on you. We were kind of drunk but it felt right to me despite the circumstances ", he said in a more serious tone. " Now after all these years and when we slept together again i felt the same way like that night when we had sex against a wall. Exact same fucking feeling. A million things changed, we have kind of changed and i feel we are still the same "

   " I am not the same "

   " You are still a mess babe "

   " Babe ? Hours ago you placed back the engagement ring on my finger. Was it an act or it means i am still your baby ? ", i asked provoking him. He grinned.

   " Always "

   " Are you  " always "  so certain of your feelings ? "

   " Always "

   " You say that but you don't sleep with me anymore ", i said with a low voice.

   " You know why ", he replied quickly with a serious tone.

   " And you know i want you. Isn't that enough ? You knew it even back then i needed you "

   " No, it's not enough. Not anymore. There is a difference between want, need and love. And i was deeply, madly in love with you "

   " Are you not now ? "

   " Now, i am afraid ", he said nervously. " I am fucking scared ". Stepping in front of him i faced him.

   " I am deeply, madly in love with you now ", i whispered. " And i am fucking scared too ". Grabbing me instantly he kissed me so deep and sweet we almost forgot we were in the middle of the road.

   The next few days were pure magic. When we got back in Athens a month and a half later i felt beyond happy. By November i was in charge of all the company's charities so we worked in the same building but in different floors, even though he made every possible excuse to get me to his office at least twice a day. I moved back to our house. Now there was only one master bedroom. On our first wedding anniversary a few months later he gave me the most adorable puppy as a gift and i gave him a positive pregnancy test. He cried from happiness and as he was holding me tight i felt in that moment i was the luckiest woman in the world.


                            The End




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