Chapter 7

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We walked together in the restaurant. The metr was leading the way. Andrew followed him with me right behind him. While we were trying to reach our table people kept staring. He seemed to notice and looked annoyed. All this time and i hadn't noticed that his arm was now placed in my lower back keeping me close to him. When i realised it i tried to escape but he just tighted his hug. When we finally approached the table, the man i had seen previously in the magazine got up from his seat to greet us.

" I'm glad you came back to meet my family ", Henry said as he was introducing to us his father and his boyfriend. " But as always you don't play fair ", he continued as i was shaking hands with George. " I brought my family and you came with the most breathtaking woman i have ever seen. Nice to meet you darling. If i knew he was gonna bring a Victoria's Secret model i would have rent someone from Calvin Klein's or Dolce & Gabbana ", he said to me as he looked playfully at George who laughed like all of us loudly.

" She is family too ", Andrew stated with confidence.

" And your name is... darling ", his father John asked me.

" Alice ", i replied firmly.

" Alice ", he repeated and my heart skipped a beat by the way he was looking at me now. He definitely recognised me now but then he smiled again and said nothing.

" Well Alice you could be his sister, but as far as i know he doesn't have one and he doesn't look at you sisterly at all ", George teased.

" She is my girlfriend after all ". Andrew said firmly with a serious tone that forbid any further details and i almost choke with the water i was drinking.

" Nothing official ", i added quickly.

" Yet ", he finished my sentence and took a sip of wine as he was staring back at me making me shut up.

I felt that he shifted in his position but i was way too angry to obey his instructions now. His girlfriend ? How dare he ? I was furious that he still hadn't explain anything to me and even more with myself for staying with him even though my options were him or the street at the moment.

The conversation shifted quickly from the status of our relationship to work and then to lighter subjects that included  profound reasons i should be modelling instead of having a relationship with a creep like Andrew. Well i definitely liked Henry and George while Andrew changed again the subject.

They were talking about the merger again and details about it and i couldn't but acknowledge the fact that he was very good at negotiating and twisting things in order to get what he wanted. Not an opponent i would like to have. A couple of hours or so passed and it was about time to go. George kissed my hand, Henry my cheek and his father hold my hand firmly complimenting me once more. We said goodbye and they made us promise that we would hang out the next time we were in London. They must have thought i lived with him back in Athens. We got into the car and i couldn't control myself any longer.

" Your girlfriend ? Are you fucking serious ? Dragging me around like a trophy wife ! John did business with my father. He most definitely recognised me. He might know by tomorrow for fucks sake ", i shouted.

" You will lower your voice when you talk to me ", he warned.

I couldn't hold back the tears and i sat there silently crying until we reached the mansion. I stormed inside with him behind me. I was running to my bedroom when he called my name but i ignored him.

" I said get over here ". I didn't answer or turn back. " Don't make me say it again ". Still his threat didn't make me stop.

"Αλίκη, γαμώτο κατέβα κάτω*", he shouted in greek and i knew he was beyond angry. He never talked in greek. I only heard him speak with Mark not that it was something he liked. I descended the long stairway and met his gaze. He was still near the entrance. He took his suit jacket off and crossing his arms in front of his chest he was looking at me right in the eye.

" You lived in a filthy apartment with a fucking junkie who beated the hell out of you when he was high or did cocaine. You have no money, no identity, no friends. You have none. You are going to work, where ? As a whore maybe you could afford the rent in London. Maybe not. As a barwoman, great. They will hit on, you will quit again and so goes on. You could work in an office but that would require first actual skills which you don't have and second someone to make you fake papers. These kind of shit as you already know very well cost money ". His tone was cold, calm, calculated.

" Shut up ", i managed to say in between tears.

" You could go back to Samuel's house or to James. Oh i forgot. The first one, your friend didn't even make a call or look for you to see if you are alive or not. The second brought his friends to rape you. So now you are going back with me to Greece in a month. We are going to announce our engagement and we are going to get married before New Year's. Understood ? ", he announced casually and my brain froze.

" I'm not marrying you. Not in a lifetime". I was scared by his tone. There was something that made me feel so alone and helpless.

" Yes, you are. Your father has lung cancer. It's in the final stage. They are barely holding on to the business. You will marry me and your family's company will merge with mine. That simple. You can go now. I'm tired ".

I was left there not able to move as he  walked past me. I was left alone in front of the staircase looking lost at the empty hallway. A tear left my eye but i wiped it quickly trying to gather my thoughts, trying to cope with what he said.

* Αlice, come down damn it.

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