Chapter 24

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   It had been almost three months since i left home. I was trying to heal working on the merger with Andrew's company. I always talked or had meetings with Max or Mark, he was always absent. Girls avoided mentioning his name even though deep down i badly wanted to know how he was doing since he went back to Munich two weeks after i left home. I kept thinking how harsh i was on him that night. Way too harsh.

   I got rid of the thought of him quickly. Finally i could have the life i wanted for myself. I was living with my mom but when the merger would be finished and things at company were stable i would move out. I still had to be very careful and i was now protected by police. I went often to the cinema and  spent hours at libraries or studying at Stavros Niarchos Foundation. I still had a lot to learn about business and I loved that place. At nights i usually binge watched a TV show or a movie at Netflix.

   I was enjoying a Sunday morning coffee with my mom, Cassandra and Eleanor and her mother, my aunt Mary. We were discussing about the wedding when Cassandra's phone started to ring. She started telling him what to buy and what he shouldn't with Alexander in her arms. When the phone call ended aunt Mary asked her why she didn't just order take out.

" Who's coming ? ", i asked bored.

" Andrew is coming back in the afternoon. He will have dinner with us tonight. He wants to see Alexander " , Cassandra answered.

" Oh, i see ", i said trying to sound calm like i wasn't affected.

" I am thinking a cocktail bar would be nice outside church. A few refreshments would be nice ", Eleanor changed the subject quickly. The next hour the conversation went by like that but i couldn't hear a word. My heart beated fast and irritated by my own reaction i went to the kitchen to drink some water.

" You missed him ", Cassandra said behind me.

" Of course not ", i answered calmly drinking the rest of my water. When i faced her she was smiling. " It's human to want to know if he is ok. That's all "

" Ok ", she said leaving the kitchen in disbelief.

   The next few days i felt restless. I was working non stop and i avoided any place he would go. I usually went for a run in the mornings and today was no exception. It had been two weeks since he came back and still no call, no text. I finished my morning route and now i was in front of a coffee store. I needed coffee badly.

   Walking in i almost fell onto the man standing in front of me in the line. He was on his way out when i barged in. When i looked at him i almost runned in the different direction. He looked at me with the same surprised look on his face.

" Hi ". Andrew spoke first.

" Hi ", i murmured. I had almost forgotten how handsome he was a realisation that made me even more nervous. He was way more unshaved than usual and that made him even sexier. He wasn't wearing a suit. Just a dark blue shirt that matched his eye colour and jeans. Damn that puppy eyes and my weak knees.

" How are you ? ", he asked politely.

" Good. Very good. You came back recently "

" I had business to take care of in Germany too. Everything ok at work ? "

" Yeah, yeah "

" Great. If you need anything you can always ask Mark or Max ", he said disappointing me he didn't offer his help and left leaving me behind fidgeting. The girl asked me a couple of times about my order before i managed to answer.

" Miss, miss ? "

" A freddo espresso please. No sugar please ", i managed to say at the end.

   On the way back home i couldn't stop thinking about him. He seemed so calm and polite. So handsome. No. No. No. Don't go in there. He was avoiding me too. I knew that he left because of me and not some silly business in Germany.  " None of your business Alice ", i said loudly to myself. He didn't call or texted three months now. He even sent the divorce papers through his lawyer and by the end of summer i would no longer be Mrs Eisenhauer. I still couldn't believe he actually hadn't fought about our separation. And why he ? " He didn't even call to check if you re ok Alice ". Lost in thought i went to the shower still thinking hard about him and the feelings i obviously had.


" I saw Alice today ", i tried to sound normal but i guessed i didn't have much success when i saw Mark and Max both looking at me.

" You talked ? ", Max asked worried.

" Yeah. The basic stuff "

" Are you ok ? "

" Yeap ", i answered but the pain in my voice was now showing.

" You are still bringing Sophia as your date in the wedding ? ", Max asked curious.

" Yes, i am. I was thinking about bringing her at the dinner next week. She will be here anyway "

" Do you think that's a good idea ? "

" She won't mind. She said it herself that she has no feelings for me so why not ? "

" You know that's not true ! ", Mark continued. " She was sad. That's all ".

" She didn't call Mark. Didn't text. She didn't want to see me. It's time to move on. I can't take it any longer "

" He is right. She had her chance ", Max said to Mark.

   We focused back to work and i was trying really hard not to think about her body. The image of her with her skin tight athletic attire never left my mind the next few days. Three months now i was barely living. Working, going to the gym, out in a bar and repeat. I was afraid staying home alone. Every night i saw her in my sleep.

   Four weeks after she left i met Sophia. She was the cousin of a friend from Germany. She seemed nice and it was obvious she liked me a lot. I hooked up with her that night only not to go back home alone. I wanted to call her so badly that i broke two cellphones by throwing them with all of my strength to the wall.

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