Chapter 26

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   I was staring at the ceiling more than an hour now. It was almost six in the morning. After he went downstairs he must have taken Sophia and left the party. I went downstairs shortly after but when the girls started pressing me for an answer i said that my stomach hurts and also left. Coming home i took a bath in order to recover and relax. That was almost two hours ago.

   I kissed him. I did. He dared me to say that i didn't have feelings for him and instead of saying so i kissed him. Stupid Alice. Stupid. He has a girlfriend. He came with an another woman at our best friends party. At a party that his wife would attend. " You left him. What did you expect him to do ? ", i thought. I was so angry with him that i could see nothing else than his face smiling at her. No. No. You are not jealous. Not jealous. You are upset because he is a liar. That's it.

   Standing up defeated by my own thoughts i opened my window's door and went outside in the wide porch. The first day light made its appearance gloriously and sitting there alone i realised that the only nights i really slept were those in his arms. The realisation made me shift in my position. All i could think about was his smile. The way he whispered at me a few hours ago. I was dying to know if he slept with her after our kiss and the thought another woman was now resting in his arms made tears uncontrollably leave my eyes. I was dying to know if he still loved me because i surely was deeply in love with him. Tired i went back to bed in tears thinking he was hugging her now.

   The next morning i woke up from someone's laugh. I could recognize Eleanor's laugh and Cassandra was the one speaking now. A few minutes later they barged into my bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed they uncovered me trying to wake me up. Now there was no way i could avoid that conversation.

" Wake up ", they both yelled.

" Come on, you are not sleeping we know that ", Cassandra declared.

" I am definitely not sleeping now ", i said trying to sound irritated.

" What happened last night when i left you two alone ? ", Eleanor asked.

" Coffeeeeee ", i screamed.

" Talk and you will have your coffee ", Cassandra said dead serious.

" We argued and then we kissed and he left, that's all " , i tried to sound cool and casual. Obviously by the look on their faces i did a terrible job.

" You kissed ? ", Eleanor repeated puzzled.

" Technically i kissed him first ", i remarked embarrassed. " But he kissed me back so yeah we kissed "

" And why he left like he was being chased or something ? ", Cassandra asked confused.

" He kept asking me to say that I don't have feelings for him, i said i didn't then kissed him and he left me just like that

" So you actually admitted that you have ", Eleanor continued also puzzled.

" No. Well...kind of. I don't know ". I had stayed awake all night thinking about him, crying like a baby and still i couldn't say it even to my friends.

" You love him ", Cassandra declared quietly.

" I think so ", i confessed. " Is he serious with her ? " , i asked defeated.

" Well he went through a huge depression when you left the last time so now he decided he had to do something to move on ", Eleanor told me.

" You have a meeting today. Why don't you just go and check out ", Cassandra proposed.

" He never attended even one of them Cassandra "

" Well i can guarantee you, today he will be there ", she said certain.

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