Chapter 28

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   I couldn't move or cry for help but i managed to reach my phone which was now actually ringing. He was calling me and when i picked up i was hardly breathing. He ordered me to text him my exact location because my voice was barely coming out. He sounded desperate and kept talking to me until he arrived. He picked me up in his arms and drove to a hospital nearby. The punch James gave me had opened my nose and lips. My whole face was covered in blood and i couldn't walk because my stomach was hurt. He was holding my hand throughout the whole ride to the hospital asking me about the incident.

  The doctor said i would spend the night there. I had some broken ribs but there was no sign of internal bleeding. Andrew was outside trying to calm down my mom. Cassandra and Eleanor were beside me wiping my tears and stroking my hair. Mark and Max were on their phones trying to find where James was staying. I had managed to tell Andrew what happened and he was furious. He cursed a lot and threatened gods and demons speaking to someone on the phone.

  The nurses sent them away later since the visiting time had come to an end a long time now. My mom insisted on staying but Andrew handled her gently sending her calmer at home with Nick. The girls kissing me goodnight promised to come back first thing in the morning. We were left alone and i wanted to hug him so bad but realising i didn't have the right i didn't say anything. He looked exhausted staring out of the window. He turned to me when he realised i was looking at his direction and walked towards my bed.

   " There is no other bed so tonight either you want it or not we will sleep together ". Saying that he must have read my mind would be an understatement. He somehow knew i would never say it out loud so he just made it look like there was no other choice.

" There is a couch over here ", i pointed tiredly.

  " Yes, but it's too small to fit anyone and you want me to sleep with you so "

   " I didn't say that ", i stated still hurt by his behaviour last night.

   " You don't have to ", he replied smiling lightly moving me slightly in order to make some room for him. Hugging me, he lied down and kissed my cheek gently. Tears appeared in my eyes and i held his hand stroking his long fingers.

   " I am here now, ok ? ", he told me but i kept crying silently. He held my chin making me face him. " Hey, i am not going anywhere ". Keep stroking my hair i fell into a deep sleep.

    " Just release the money. Mark will come to take the suitcase no need to bother. I said give the damn money ! ". He was talking outside the room but i could hear him clearly. When he came back in he smiled.

    " Good morning ! Are you feeling better ? ", he asked helping me sit.

    " A little. What is going on ? You didn't find him ? ", i asked worried.

    " No, i didn't. I called the police though.  They will help us catch him. I will get him in jail don't worry ", he reassured me.

   " If he finds out he will go. He will be free to tell everything to the press "

   " Babe i ' ll find him and when i do he wish he had never been born "

   " Just be careful. He is dangerous and he has nothing to lose. Promise me ? "

   " Ok. Now i need to go but there is protection everywhere around and inside the hospital. The girls will be here any minute now and your mother went to fetch some coffee for me "

   " Promise me ? ", i pleaded.

   " I will be fine. Relaxe, ok ? I won't be late "

    Kissing my hand he left. I was beyond worried but his confidence made me ease my stress. Cassandra and Eleanor constantly talked and my mother was literally speaking over my head. When she saw me laughing she really relaxed. The doctor also came a few hours later and told me that he would discharge me in the afternoon. He gave me a prescription for some painkillers for the next few days and advised me to get some rest and not move a lot.

   We were all waiting for some news. Andrew had called earlier a lot of times but three hours now not him, nor Mark and Max were answering. We started get worried. I was discharged and Nick came in and informed us that we were all going to Andrew's place. He said he didn't know anything else since Andrew called in a hurry. Now, i was even more stressed. My mother was trying to calm me down but i couldn't relax.

   When we got home i noticed that there were more than five bodyguards around. We impatiently waited in the living room. Cassandra gave me some painkillers and made me cup of tea in order to relax. Almost an hour later we heard noise coming from outside. They stormed into the living room and he came next to me. I tried to get up but i was too tired. The painkillers made me sleepy. There was noise coming from everywhere since Eleanor was yelling in the kitchen to Max and Cassandra talked with Mark and my mother across the room.

   " What happened ? Where were you ? I called a thousand times. I almost went crazy "

    " I am sorry ok, i couldn't pick up. He texted me the spot we would meet so i had just half an hour to reach there and organise the police's raid. He waited on the highway and when i handed him the money, he tried to stab me. The asshole. We fought but the police came in and stopped us. He is under arrest now for blackmail and beating you twice . I had with me the papers from the clinic in London and the hospital's. I also had to go to the police station to testify. Mark came as my lawyer and Max was also waiting there to pick us up. They also called them in to testify. They were both present when he called me".

  Max and Eleanor interrupted us saying that they were going home, also dropping my mom. Mark was also exhausted so they also left.

   " How long do you thing he will stay in prison ? ", i continued the interrogation.

   " Ι will make sure a very long time. Don't worry. Did you eat ? "

   " Yeah, i am fine you must be tired and hungry. Go eat something. My mother cooked "

   " They brought us something to eat at the police station. I am ok. Come on let's get you upstairs "

   Picking me up he took me to his bedroom. When he opened the door to leave me alone to sleep i almost cried. Again he didn't want to stay with me. Seconds later he opened the door and leaning against it he looked at me. The room was dark and he kept looking at me trying to say something. Finally, a minute later he spoke.

  " I won't stay till you are sure how you feel about me. My feelings haven't changed even though i tried really hard the last few months. So i won't stay because it's fucking ripping me apart when you leave "

   He closed the door behind me and even though he left me all alone i had never felt his love or presence more than now. Hugging his pillow, smelling his scent i slept smiling. He was still in love with me.

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