Chapter 25

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Max and Eleanor were throwing a backyard cocktail party just for their friends two weeks before their wedding. It was the first days of June and i decided to wear shorts, a simple t shirt and sneakers. It was an informal party after all. I arrived early to help her and a while later the first guests started to appear. I was nervous, i admit it. He would be here too  in a while and every time the door rang i was looking there waiting for him to come in.

Later i found myself talking business with some of the guys working in Andrew's company and some others i knew nothing of. We were working together a few months now for the merger and they were nice. One of them was kind of hitting on me but he didn't have a chance. The door rang and he finally came in hugging Max. Behind him there was a tall brown haired girl around our age. Stunned i realised she was his date ! He greeted everyone and also in my annoyance i realised the girls had already met the bitch.

I went to the bathroom in order to calm down, but it was impossible. I was like a bull in a china shop. He came bringing as his date someone else when we were still married. Fucking bastard. They all knew he had a girlfriend and none of the them bothered to tell me. " Aaahhh. Why the hell you care ? You are divorcing. Your choice. Yours ", i scolded myself out loud.

I gathered my courage and went downstairs. He was sitting next to her having a drink. He looked at me and his smile faded as i approached the bar. I kept talking with the other guests. I was holding the third maybe fourth drink when Cassandra gently took me inside to the kitchen.

" Drink some water. Come on. You're getting drunk "

" I am not drunk. I am just having fun ! ", i said unable to sound normal.

" You are big time. Don't - don't drink that ! " She shouted as i finished my vodka.

" I am great. Stop worrying about me it's getting on my nerves ", i told leaving the kitchen.

I kept dancing and drinking with some of our friends while he was still drinking sitting at his table. His date did the same. He seemed in a serious conversation with Max and when they both looked at me i turned away hoping they didn't notice i was watching.

Half an hour later i felt a hand in my waist. Eleanor excused us and she led me to the bathroom upstairs saying she needed help. When we got inside she locked the door behind me and looked at me deadly serious.

" Throw some water on your face ", she ordered.

" It will ruin my make up Eleanor ", i said laughing.

" Just do it Alice or i will do it myself "

I nodded like i didn't care and she threw me under the sink. God she was stronger than i thought. She kept throwing water on my face while i screamed.

" Shut it ", she yelled. " You were the one that supposedly didn't feel anything remember ? Look at you now ! "

" I don't ", i managed to yell back at her almost crying. Someone knocking on the door and trying to open it interrupted our fight.

" Open the door El ", i heard his voice.

" Don't you dare ", i whispered to Eleanor who unlocked and left saying
" Work it out yourselves ". And here we were alone after more than three months facing each other in the guest bathroom. He locked the door behind him and took a big breath looking at me dead serious.

" Why are you behaving like this ? "

" What's with my behaviour ? ", i hissed back.

" Alice get your shit together and stop talking like a fifteen year old "

" You brought a date to show everyone that you are over me and suddenly i am the teenager here ? "

" You are the one who said that didn't feel anything now why are you acting like the jealous ex wife ? "

" You think i am jealous of HER ? "

" Big time ! ", he answered casually.

" You wish honey "

" No, i know ", he whispered in my ear something that got me even more angry than before. I pushed him back so hard he almost stumbled.

" You are free to fuck whoever you want, not my business Andrew "

" That's right. So why are you reacting like this ? "


" How many times do i have to tell you to lower your voice when you talk to me ? ". His voice a whisper warning me.

" Let me go. I want to go downstairs ", he was standing in front of the door not letting me leave the bathroom. " Let go you fucking asshole ". He grabbed my hands while i was trying to make him move because he was intensionally blocking the door with his body.

" Tell me again you don't feel anything about me. Come on. Say it ", he dared.

" I don't ", i said to his face daring him.

" Once more ", he ordered seductively.

" I don't feel anything for you ". I marked my words but he kept looking at me smiling.

" Say it like you mean it babe "

  His eyes instead of blue looked like red, fire red to me now. He looked so hot that i didn't hesitate. I attacked his mouth and kissed him hard. He kissed me back putting his hands to my ass lifting me up to the sink. He kissed me like a maniac, bitting my lips, touching my body, pushing me into him even more. Suddenly, just like that he stopped. Unlocking the door he stormed downstairs and i was left next to the sink, completely sobber now with his scent all over me.

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