Chapter 12

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After finishing breakfast they left. They made Andrew agree that he would take me to Mark's house. They weren't gonna tell anything to the girls and i was a sure thing that it was going to be a very long night. I got ready and waited for him to pick me up. The ride was quick as we stopped in front of Mark's house just a few minutes later. He opened the back door and i saw puzzled that he was holding a bigger than life box .

" It's for Alexander. Their son ", he explained for once.

" Oh ". I was so nervous i couldn't open my mouth. We approached the door and knocked the door. Mark opened with his son in his arms like we had agreed. Max was trying to distract the girls in the kitchen.

" Girls, Andrew is here. He brought his date too ", Mark shouted amused earning an annoyed glance from Andrew. I was ready to faint. They rushed out of the kitchen obviously from curiousness. When Cassandra saw me the plate she was holding left her hands. Eleanor almost screamed.

They boys were downstairs playing with Alexander and we were upstairs in the bedroom trying to catch up. I had a lot of explaining to do.

" So now you two are getting married ? For real ? ", Cassandra asked in disbelief.

" Yeap "

" When ? " , Eleanor asked.

" I don't know. He doesn't say anything. He just announces staff every now and then. I guess soon enough. Not a big deal "

" Are you sure ? ", Cassandra looked worried.

" Yes "

" Look he hasn't been really himself after that day ", Eleanor continued. " He left for Munich and he came back when his parents died. Max and i were broken up but Mark was still talking to him sort of and that's how we had news about him. We saw him at the funeral. He seemed different, frozen. He devoted himself to the company but things were rough at the beginning. He was constantly at work. Didn't talk at all "

" When i gave birth the first time he saw me he asked me to be the godfather ", Cassandra added.

" I have only seen him smile around the boys or when he is playing with the kid ", Eleanor said.

" He still hasn't said sorry. Never mentioned anything about our past ", i remarked bitterly.

A knock on the door stopped our conversation. Max was beyond hungry so we ate exchanging news about our lives. Andrew was sitting away from me with Alexander in his lap asleep. Cassandra offered to take him to bed but he told her that he was going to. It was strange but it seemed like he had done it many times before.

We left at two in the morning. The girls were coming at our house tomorrow and i was beyond thrilled. We were at the front door when he murmured a goodnight. I saw him march to the backyard. I went upstairs and watched him through the window. He was holding a glass in his hand and walked around the pool looking so lost, tired, so old that i almost hesitated. A few minutes later i put my sweater on and went to find him.


I couldn't handle it. Now it was way too obvious to ignore. Sooner or later she will get it too. I want her desperately. I was thinking  about her every hour of the day. Even at important meetings all i did was checking  my phone to see if she called or texted something that obviously never happened. I avoided coming home early not to see her and my thoughts were constantly traveling on her body, her voice, her long hair, her blue eyes daringly looking into mine. The last few weeks she gained weight looking healthy once again. More woman than ever. God i was losing my mind. The morning i woke up and saw her standing above my bed i was that close to pull her on me. Thank God my sanity appeared before i did.

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