Chapter 17

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My mother woke me up early that morning. I was sleeping back in my old room three days now. They said it was tradition and i could use the time apart to clear my head. Slowly and without notice his presence had become something i needed. I wondered if he had already left in the mornings, waited for him at nights. He, of course was way too indifferent to notice. He was leaving at seven in the morning and came back after midnight. He would call to check on me but nothing more.

I got up, had my breakfast with my parents kind of nervous and then went back upstairs to have a bubble bath in order to calm down. Last time we were about to get married i had the same feeling. I was sure i wasn't in love with the boy, now i knew - kind of - that i wasn't in love with the man. I could not relax even though the bathtub was huge, full of hot water and soap. The phone rang shortly after and i picked up quickly.

" Everything ok there ? ", he asked with his deep voice giving away he had just woken up.

" Don't worry. I am not planning to go anywhere this time ", i replied ironically.

" Trust me i don't ". The indifference on his voice made me cursing inside.

" How was your bachelor party ? Have fun ? ", i asked pretending not to care. He was laughing hard from the other line.

" You are being annoying Andrew ".

" Don't worry. I didn't fuck any of the strippers ", he answered back teasing me.

" You wish "

" No. I know "

" Well anything else you wanted ? ", i asked annoyed by his playful mood.

" Don't stead me up ". No that was something i could work with. That coldness i knew how to handle. It made me comfortable. It was his other side that had always been a riddle to me.

He hang up the phone and i was left even more nervous and angry. He sounded so amused that made me for some weird and paranoid reason think he definitely had sex last night. " Don't be silly Alice ", i thought. " Of course he has sex with other women. Which is none of your business ", i tried to convince myself.

A couple of hours later Cassandra and Eleanor came to dress me up. My wedding dress was of ivory colour with some small flowers embroidered right and left at the height of the waist and some on the chest. Even though it was late December i didn't want any sleeves added but instead a hooded cape with a fur around the neck and in the same colour as the dress would keep me warm. My hair was styled into a boho chic braid who run loosely the top of my bare back. I hated lots of make-up so i asked the make up artist to make it as light and natural as possible.

Andrew picked a church by the sea, away from paparazzi and cameras. Afterwards we would host a simple dinner with the few guests at the hotel Great Britain in the heart of Athens. He wanted Max to be the one who would marry us. I didn't care. I was ready when my dad knocked the door. He had really gathered all his strength only to walk me to the aisle. Even though he was now looking older than his actual age and skinnier he looked happy. Now the only one left to play the part was me.

" You seem nervous ", he said holding my hands.

" Every bride is ", i answered bittersweet.

" All of them are happy, not all of them nervous ", he corrected me smiling.
" Look " , he continued severe, " if you don't want to marry him, this time i will be the one to buy you ticket with no return ". I tried to speak but he stopped me. " I know he will do anything for you. I know he will always be there when you need him. You will have anything you ask or don't. You will be loved and safe. And if i thought that you were entirely indifferent i wouldn't let you do it this time ".

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