Chapter 27

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   The following days the only thing i could think about was him. I wanted badly to see him and i was constantly worried that he would come to Max and Eleanor's wedding with her. Only the thought made me sick. The girls were laughing at me every time i asked something about him pretending to be cool but i had no strength to fight myself anymore.

" Its amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy ! ", Eleanor said with amusement watching me nervously dress up. We were going to dinner and then to a night club to celebrate the last two days of Eleanor's as an unmarried woman. Looking at her angrily she continued saying " My best friends wedding quote, not mine ! ".

   The next few hours we were out in Athens having probably the best time. We ate all together laughing so hard that the whole restaurant was looking at us but we didn't care. I think we were already drunk. Afterwards we went to a rooftop bar which had an amazing view to Acropolis. A group of guys sitting next to us started to talk to me but i was in no mood to flirt. Teasing Eleanor i said to them that she had just broken up with her boyfriend and she needed comfort. Probably at two or three in the morning we found ourselves walking in front of Θησείο*. Cassandra made a call as we were singing out loud a greek hit song the DJ kept playing all night.

   A few minutes later the three of them showed up from nowhere. We were still singing when Eleanor grabbed Max and they started to sing together and dance kissing in front of students and tourists who stared. They got a huge applause from their audience and then Max said they needed to go. Andrew was sitting all this time beside me quietly and Mark was hugging Cassandra whispering something to her and they also decided it was about time to go back to their son.

" Will you give me a ride ? ", i asked Mark pleading.

" Your husband is right here. He will give you a ride ", he answered winking at me amused. I turned to look at Andrew angry but his face made me shut up.

" Come on, we are going this way ", he nodded looking annoyingly cool.

" Yes, sir ", i hissed sounding more like a teenage girl than an adult married woman.

   We started walking to his car. He was walking way too fast for me. I could barely follow, stabling every now and then. A few minutes later we reached the car. I still couldn't exactly tell since when he was holding my hand. Climbing into the car i felt terrible. He was driving all serious now and i kept looking at him every now and then .

" Are you ok ? Are you dizzy ? You want me to slow down ? ", he asked looking at me worried.

" A little yeah...Can you stop ? ". When the car stopped i stormed out and puked at the side of the road. He was holding my hair helping me stand the whole time. I felt horrible. I hadn't drink that much for a long time.

" Are you feeling better now ? ", he asked sweetly removing strands of my hair from my face.

" Hmhm ", i answered weakly.

" Let's go "

   He helped get into the car and drove me to his house. Holding me tightly from the waist he opened the door inside. I obviously didn't have the courage to go upstairs. He saw me hesitating in front of the stairs and picking me up he took me in his bedroom. I didn't protest or even speak, neither did he. I managed to undress in the bathroom and took a shower. When i opened the door he was standing in front of his drawer picking a t shirt for me. He passed me a long one and left the room. I got dressed and a few minutes later he came in ordering me to drink some water. He also gave me a pill for my sickness and again turned to go.

" Where are you going to sleep ? ", i asked without thinking about it.

" Downstairs " , he replied. " If you need anything... "

" You won't sleep here ? " I wanted him beside me so bad. He looked at me trying to say something but he was thinking hard about it.

" No. We are getting a divorce so i will sleep downstairs ", he finally said.

" Oh ". Tears were starting filling my eyes. He opened the door to leave but he turned back. His expression was hard but clearly he was hurt. Eventually, he left closing the door behind him and i could finally let the tears fall freely.

   When i woke up it was almost noon. I had overslept and picking up my phone i saw a few calls and texts from my mother. I called to say that i am alright and went downstairs. He had prepared coffee and breakfast but he was gone. I ate alone with a huge hangover. Shortly after i got dressed, i took a glimpse of my intact old bedroom and left. Nick was waiting outside to drive me back at my place. I couldn't feel worse. Last night he didn't change his mind so i was left in his bed which was filled with his smell sleeping alone. " He has a girlfriend Alice ", i kept thinking. Hours later i managed to relaxe. I talked with Cassandra and Eleanor who wanted to know everything about last night's sleep over. When i told them that he declined my offer they were more than disappointed.

" It's normal. I mean he has a girlfriend now. He can't sleep with his ex wife who abandoned him. Twice ", i remarked bitterly.

" First things first technically you are still married. And second Sofia left for Munich the day after the cocktail party. They broke up or whatever. Mark told me last night", Cassandra said.

   To say i felt relieved would be the understatement of the year. Still i felt puzzled. Why he didn't come to sleep with me ? He came to see me. He came to pick me up as if none of the other two could take me back home.

" He came only to see you, you retarded. What is so hard for you to understand ? ", Cassandra signed.

   It was still hot outside so confused and angry he hadn't even called to see if i am feeling better i decided to go for a run after sunset to clear my thoughts. Finishing my usual route i was standing only a few blocks away from my house checking my phone for any missed call or text. Disappointed i started to walk when someone tapped my back. When i turned around i saw him standing in front of me with a big smile. I tried to get away but he was quite fast. He grabbed me and put his hand in front of my mouth to make me shut up.

" Why you wanna scream honey ? Didn't you miss me ? ", James said with a low voice. Terrified i tried to kick him but his grip was so tight that i could barely move. He moved me into a small alley pushing me to the wall. I somehow managed to kick him in the balls but he punched me so hard i lost balance and fell to the ground unable to speak from the pain.

" Tell your beloved husband that if by tomorrow he doesn't have 200 million in a suitcase for me i will tell the whole world that his dear wife was fucking me shortly before your wedding. I will tell everything to everyone possible ", he threatened before kicking me hard to the stomach and left.

* Θησείο : an ancient temple in the heart of Athens ancient agora.

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