Chapter 6

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Her presence once again made me nervous. Her eyes, her body were always a distraction but now she was a woman and i was a man not just a couple of kids with egos taller than them messing around. I was constantly on a battle inside. I wanted so bad to spend as much time as possible with her but instead i was distracting myself all day with work and when i was opening my mouth i was filled with covered acrimony. She was beginning to look like the old days and that made it even harder to function like a normal person and not like a maniac around her. Two days now and i was clearly avoiding her. She also did the same.

I walked out of the study room talking with Mark on the phone. He was asking where i have been lost the past days. The merger demanded my presence back in Athens by now but i told him that i needed to see the Emersons and he laid back the interrogation. I promised i would be back at the office next Monday morning. Suddenly she rushed out of the kitchen and we almost fell into each other. She tried to excuse her herself but Mark would hear her voice so i closed her mouth with my free hand.

She was now looking at me with her sky blue eyes wide open. God those lashes were flattering in front of me and i felt butterflies all over my stomach once again. She didn't move as i kept talking casually. Her long hair was once again blonde and shiny. The way i liked it. The weight she gained back made her look less tired. She was wearing black tights and a loose sweater but her figure had already awaken every nerve in my body. Looking deep into her eyes made me in a single moment weak at knees. I hung up the phone and rushed to the kitchen deciding that those butterflies have got to be murdered. At least for now. I heard her running upstairs and i went back to the safety of the study room.


I tried to calm my nerves behind the closed door of my room. Even though his grip was firm and steady it managed to be warm and tender at the same time . The way he was looking at me gave him away. He definitely liked the hair. I tried to relax and started to get ready for the dinner. My hair were naturally wavy so i kept them that way. I chose a black body hugging dress that covered my knees, a pair of black pumps and a creamy coat. I put on a small pair of earrings. They were like butterflies and i had fell in love with them since i saw them. I put on mascara and some lipstick and went downstairs. He was waiting for me at the entrance. His all  black three piece suit made him look like a bad boy. He approved the outfit by the way his gaze traveled up and down and i felt nervous. Not saying a thing he went to the car and took the drivers seat. I opened the back door but his voice stopped me.

" What are you doing ? "

" Am i or not coming with you ? "

" Do i look like a driver ? Sit at the front ", he said coldly.

When i climbed into the enormous car he actually began to explain to me what was going on.

" Three of the Emerson's will wait for us. Henry the son, John the father and their lawyer and Henry's boyfriend, George Harring. I''ll do the talking ".

" What if they start asking questions. Where we met, who i am to you..."

" I said i'll do the talking "

"What if they ask my name ?", i asked confused.

" Then you will say your name", he replied calmly.

" Why am i coming with you ? My presence is obviously not necessary ", i stated confused.

" Because i said so ", he said looking firmly at the road in front of him.

The rest of the drive was silent. I kept glancing at him but his face didn't give away what his plans were for me. As he was driving to the heart of London i kept staring outside. I never used to hang out here. It was always crowded and full of tourists. Now the time was around eight and it was so quiet and beautiful. When we arrived someone opened my door and i was out in the cold breeze that made me realise that now it was the moment that the world would learn. No, i wasn't ready yet to come back to that life. The golden doors opened for him and when he turned back and looked at me, stiffened at his position calling my name in order to make me follow him inside.

" Aλίκη* ", he called once more and that was the first time after eight years that someone said my real name in greek. I recovered instantly from the shock and following his step i entered the restaurant.

* Αλίκη is a greek name same as Αlice in english.

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