Chapter 3

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   I woke up looking around cautiously. My eyes were puffed and red. Last night i was crying out loud after years suppressing the tears. I found shelter under a bridge that seemed quiet. My nose and knee were still bleeding and i was trying to calm in order to get some sleep but i couldn't. When a couple of calm, stray dogs approached me i started to relax. After an hour i managed to sleep.

   When i woke up to say i was scared would be the understatement of the year. Gathering my thoughts i was trying to forget that i saw Andrew out of the blue. Hoping that he hadn't recognized me even though i knew better, i was thinking ways to get out of London one and for all.


   I woke up exactly at 6:30 in the morning. I hit the gym ignoring the annoying hotel manager who had just entered the lobby. She didn't look bad in contrary she was an impressive woman with a toned figure, brown hair and blue smart eyes but i wasn't in the mood at all since yesterday.

   I was thinking about her while running on the treadmill. When i tried to stop myself  from thinking and almost angry with myself things got worse as i was punching the bag so hard that everyone started to stare at me. On my way back to my room my phone buzzed. I picked up without saying anything.

   " She is walking through Hyde Park right now. In a few seconds the file will be in your hands ".

   A boy handed me a large file with my name on it. I gave him a generous tip and went straight up to my room. I opened the file and found older and new pictures of her. Apparently she was living with a drug addict the last four years. She worked occasionally as a bartender or a waitress at various clubs and pubs. She even cleaned houses at the beginning. Her boyfriend looked pathetic in those ripped jeans and long shirt. What John didn't write in his report was why they broke up a few days ago. I felt better now but i didn't want to admit it even to myself.

   I rushed to the bathroom, headed to the shower relieved. I was almost smiling. God no. No. No. Fuck she had that power even after eight fucking years. I remembered they way she used curse. I found it so cute back then.

  In a hurry i put on a dark blue three piece suit, grabbed a french toast, took a sip of coffee and headed out. Mark was waiting for me in front of the car talking  - probably with Cassandra - on the phone. He hung up when he saw me reaching him and looked at me puzzled.

   " You were a little off when you came back yesterday " he stated.

   " I am working 18 hours a day for the last couple of months ". I said as it should be normal to be completely destructed when you' ve closed the most important deal in navigation in the world.

   " Did you work after the meeting ? ". He asked glancing me.

   " No, i didn't ". I replied bothered.

   " Aha ", he murmured checking the files laid across his lap. He was the company's lawyer. " The hotel manager or another one i didn't notice ", he stated with amusement.

   " None. And if you want to sleep next to Cassandra tonight you better concentrate to get them sigh today ", i replied being deadly serious in order to make him stop the interrogation. I didn't blame him. He wanted me to get married, have children, share his happiness about fatherhood. They had an one year old son.

   We walked to the office and started to read all the paperwork. My phone buzzed from now and then. The first text was letting me know that she was talking to some guys in a bar far from here. The second that she seemed pleased about the conversation and the third that she it seemed she was gonna work there. When i looked at the last message i shifted in my position looking intently at my i - phone.

" Someone must have broke her nose. She must have hurt her leg too ".

   When the meeting ended i told Mark that he had the jet all by himself.

   " I am staying for a while ". He was looking at me puzzled but my hard expression made him cross his hands and walk away.

   " Alexander misses you by the way. Come to visit when you get back ".

    " Ok ", i murmured walking out of the car.

   I had a shower and changed my clothes. I wore jeans and a blue shirt and headed to the bar.

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