Chapter 5

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   It was already 8:30 and still she hadn't call. I was lying awake in bed wondering if i was so wrong about her. I went to the bathroom to have my morning shower and in breakfast i was trying to think what i was actually gonna tell her if she came. I still had to figure it out. The idea came to my mind last night but it was way to much. Even for me.

   Almost an hour later an unknown number was calling me. I knew it was her. When i picked up her voice was hardly audible. Cursing i run, calling my driver. Twenty minutes later i stormed into the little apartment she had spent the night. She was obviously beaten, her clothes were ripped and looked ready to faint. I took her bag, explained to the people there i was her friend and i would be taking her to a hospital, i picked her up easily and left. She had fainted and I covered her with my coat while we were rushing to a private clinic. Nobody should find out.

   While the doctor talked to me explaining that she was gonna be fine and within a couple of weeks she wouldn't be in pain at all she shifted in bed. When she opened her eyes she looked at me across the room. I easily fought the urge to run next to her. Eight years was long enough to make me bury deep all the affection i had inside about her. When she left she took a piece of me with her and now it was way too difficult to put it right back.

   The doctor left and she tried to get up. Her face morphed from pain and i went took my time walking steadily beside her. After i gently pushed her back to lay down i spoke.

" You have many broken ribs ". I said as she was looking at me in pain. She didn't say anything so i kept talking.

" It is a private clinic. You will stay here for three maybe four days. When you get discharged someone will pick you up and take you into my place. You will wait for me there ". She looked at me confused and annoyed. She never liked it when i spoke with a bossy tone.

" I...i..." She tried to protest.

" You will just wait ". I replied and quickly left the room.


   When he left i looked around. It was obviously a very expensive clinic. A nurse almost every ten minutes checked if i was alright or if i needed anything, the doctor was beyond polite and the room was clean with a large cream sofa and a big window facing the enormous garden. My nightstand was filled with fresh flowers and the food tasted divine. When i got discharged four days later i didn't wanna leave. A big, tall guy dressed like a chauffeur greeted me in the lobby and showed me the way to a black Range Rover right outside. I barely walked, a nurse was helping me and i thought he would be in the car. I was wrong. There was no sign of him since he left clinic that day. The driver placed his seatbelt and when the car moved i felt like a bird in a cage. I didn't know where the hell was he taking me or what he wanted to do with me. Still i knew i would be safe and sound, with a bed and food. That i knew so for now i managed to relaxe.

   While in the clinic i had time to think every possible way i could escape. Suddenly the day before i realised i had no strength left. My body hurt in every move, my heart was broken, i was a mess with no money and no home to go to. So I decided to actually wait for him. I had missed my mother enormously. Eleanor would never forgive me and Cassandra became a mother. I missed all these moments. I wanted to see them badly.

   After an hour or so the car stopped in front of a mansion outside London. It was early in the afternoon and the lights reflecting upon it made it look dreamy. I went inside looking for him but still no sign of Andrew. I went back to the entrance and asked the driver named Sean when he was going to come. He said that he will be here soon. The merger took a lot more time than expected. I went back inside without asking any more questions. I wandered around the house which was truly charming. I went upstairs took a long bath but when i stepped outside and looked my face to the mirror i tried hard not to cry looking at my reflection. I looked terrible and exhausted. My face was still a bit swollen. My lips had a big scratch on the right and you could see my dark circles from space. My hair were too long, dark but the colour gave away it was not a natural one. I definitely needed to gain some weight.

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