Chapter 19

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Thank god a month later my mom agreed to move out of the house to an apartment closer to our house. I had to admit that Andrew could be very persuasive. He would sell the house in time but for now it would be better for her to stay somewhere else. It would be safer too.

I was dealing with the company and the rest of the family's real estate. My father had a huge debt so i decided to sell every piece of land he owned, every house. Andrew agreed to that but not selling some part of the company. He wanted the whole company under his command.

Things didn't get any better between us after that night. I became distant again, embarrassed that even though i kept repeating to myself that i hated him at the same time i felt a strange urge to hug him, kiss him, let him be there for me. He mirrored my cold behaviour with much better success and as the days passed he behaved even more coldly than usual. Confused, i still secretly waited for him to come back every night. I was again sleeping alone in my room, thinking about him most of the day and even work couldn't help. I wanted to call and when i actually did he answered in a serious tone explaining to me quickly my questions before he hung up without goodbye. His behaviour had become so annoyingly indifferent that the fact he said he was in love with me and the sweet way he made love to me seemed all a big lie now.

Sitting at my father's office i was trying to sort out some of his papers. My mother had told me the combination of the safety and when i opened it that too was completely covered with folders and a pile of papers. My eye caught Andrew's name on a file and opening it i found copies of checks with huge amounts of money given to my father. " We never got married back then, why did he gave him money ? ", i thought. Gathering the checks i was stunned. He had given him more than 800 million. I grabbed the papers starting reading them out loud frustrated. He had 50% of the company's shares and given the circumstances with the other 800 million of debt he could easily leave me out.

I left with the file in my hands fuming with anger. I ordered Nick to take me immediately to the company and when his secretary told me that she could be in trouble if she allowed me to wait for him in his office i could no longer hide my irritation.

" You will be in trouble if you don't ", i replied lowering angrily my voice opening the door. Half an hour later he came in. When he saw my face he stopped.

" What are you doing here ? What happened ? ", he asked somewhat worried.

" How exactly did you forget to tell me that my father ownes you 800 million ? Why does he owe you all that money ? " He was surprised i could tell.

" He asked me for a loan and i gave it ", he simply answered. " And that's it ", he said trying to avoid any further explanations.

" He also wanted to give up half of the company's shares ? ", i stuttered. " He would never do that. So tell me what happened. Why did you marry me ? You clearly didn't have to. Answer me Andrew or i swear to God i will...", i shouted before he interrupted me.

" I married you because that was all your father could give me as a guarantee for my money. That is what i asked for ", he said calculating his words.

Stepping back i left the building. He didn't follow me. I walked for hours knowing that i didn't want to go back home nor anywhere near my mother. That's why they seemed strangely close. They were working together.

A few hours later it was already half past nine. My phone's battery had died and i now was at Eleanor's door. I needed further explanations. When she opened she was on the phone.

" Cassandra i need to go. I will call if she comes by. What the hell Alice ? Andrew is looking for you a couple of hours now ".

" Is Max inside ? ", i asked tiredly.

" Yes. He is in the office probably talking to him "

" Just tell him not to say anything for a while. I need to clear my head before going back there "

" What happened ? Why are you hiding ? You had a fight didn't you ? "

" Did you know about the loans he gave to my dad's company. About the shares ? "
Judging from the way she looked i guessed the answer. " Why did none of you tell me ? Why let me marry him ? Why... ", i stopped. I hadn't tell them that we had sex again.

" Just talk to him "

" He doesn't say anything that makes sense. Or do. First he helps me, then orders me around, then marries me, then tells me he is in love with me, then... "

" Well it was about time he did ", Eleanor murmured.

" Just tell me what the hell is going on ! "

" You need to talk about it. About everything. It's not easy i know but you have to "


" Ask me then ", Max said behind me.
"He is going nuts and i know him. He won't say a word. So ask me "

" Max they need to work things out by themselves. Everybody keeps getting in the middle "

" Well she needs to hear it and he is not willing to talk about anything really but i am sick of that", Max said to his fiancée.

" He made us swear that we will not interfere and in time he will explain himself but you both seem to have the power to fuck up even worse every time so sit down ".

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