Chapter 16

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   When i woke up the next morning he was nowhere to be seen. Angry with his actions last night, even more angry with me for letting him kiss me again i called Cassandra and Eleanor to come over. I needed to know why. When i opened the door they knew something had happened.

  " Why are looking at us like this ? ", Cassandra wondered.

  " How did you allow him to be Alexander's godfather ? His grandfather poisoned Max's family against your relationship isn't that right ? You told me the other day ! Why the hell are you both so good with him ? I get why Mark and Max but you why ? You are my cousin Eleanor. You are my best friend Cassandra ", i screamed.

  " You called us here only to yell ? ", Cassandra asked serious.

  " Why ? Just tell me a good fucking reason "

  " Because he was a fucking mess when you left, that's why ", Cassandra also yelled. " We all were. You left saying no goodbye, you left nothing behind than a note to your parents "

  " Cassandra please ! ", Eleanor tried to stop her.

   " No she needs to hear this. You think your life was rough ? What about us ? Max and El broke up shortly after, Mark and i were on the edge because he still talked to Andrew. A few months later his parents died. He was left all alone. He told Mark to choose his relationship and left for Munich again. He came back six months later...

   " Cassandra stop ! ", Eleanor demanded. I was crying looking at them.

  " Continue... ", i said.

  " No, it's not our business. There are things you need to sort out by yourselves " , Eleanor answered. " Cassandra let's go, come on ".

  " He teared the first time he held Alexander. That's when i truly forgave him ", Cassandra told me while exiting the house.

   l still had a million questions. Questions that were in my mind years now. Everybody seemed normal around him. Even my mother and father acted like it wasn't the first time they saw him after my disappearance. His grandfather also died shortly after his parents. He was left all alone but everybody seemed to be ok with the fact that we were getting married for my safety and our companies prosperity. Of course there was the mafia thing. Maybe that was the reason. Still i had to find out more about what happened after i left. Cassandra and Eleanor knew but they clearly didn't want to tell me.

   I went to see my father and after an hour or so i couldn't help myself and asked.

   " Why are you both so ok with me marrying him ? You know i thought you might had a problem since... "

   " He is a good man ", my mother said.

   " He is a good man. Ok ", i agreed ironically.

   " Why did you say it like that ? Aren't you in love him or something ? ", my dad asked.

    " Of course. But it took me years to forgive him. I am surprised you could do it so quickly that's all ", i tried to explain.

   " You know, you always seemed to ignore something that anybody else could see within miles ", my dad said smiling.

   " And what is that thing exactly ? ", i asked.

   " That despite companies, money, ships and families that man is mad about you. Completely in love with you "

    " Dad...", i began but he interrupted me crearly not wanting to continue this conversation.

    " So is there a picture with your wedding dress on ? Your mother said you are going to be the most beautiful bride ", he said to me smiling.

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