Chapter 4

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Thank god Samuel helped me. I desperately needed some money to get out of London and somewhere to sleep and he was always there for me. He convinced a friend of his to hire me even though my face looked like a truck had passed over me. So here i was serving drunk guys who tried to hit on me once again.

I was pouring a glass of beer when i noticed that someone sat in front of me at the bar. I didn't pay attention at the moment, served the beer to the guy who tried to force me into some silly small talk and when i turned and looked the man i froze at my position. I knew he had recognized me and now there was nothing i could do to vanish. He was looking at me as serious as ever. His body had become more mascular through the years and his scent was so soft yet so manly. I tried to recover myself by looking at him straight into the eyes, avoiding to show any fear. That didn't help at all. His blue, cold gaze made me feel naked. His lips was now partially covered by his small beard and for a moment i found him way more attractive that i remembered or ever admitted.


She was so caught up to her task that she didn't notice me enter the bar. People were staring at me strangely because my looks obviously didn't add up with the small filthy bar in this part of London. She didn't seem to notice me when i took a seat in front of her. She served the beer and when she turned to me to take my order froze at her spot. She looked terrible. Her now dark hair were tied in a low ponytail. She didn't wear any contacts this time so i could see her blue eyes staring back at me with what seemed fear. Her eyes were swollen. Obviously she was crying before. Her nose was indeed hurt and a small scar on her upper lip was quite visible. She was more skinny than usual and really pale.

" God she is a mess ", i thought. Suppressing the thought that still at that state she could make my heart skip a beat, i managed to speak firmly.

" Whiskey. No ice ". She obeyed slightly trembling. She served it to me silent. Now she wasn't looking to my eyes. That bothered me. Someone yelled Mary and she turned away to take an other order. I guessed that was the name she used here. When she turned back i had already finished my drink. I left on the countertop a card with my phone and 50 pounds for the beer. I headed to the door certain that tomorrow she was gonna be at my door.


I was beyond thankful a guy called me. When i turned back to him shortly after he was already leaving. What the hell ! He left behind a card with his phone and 50 pounds. As much as i didn't want to take the rest as a tip i was way too hungry to be proud. I continued to work trying to get him out of my mind but all i managed is to learn his phone number by heart. Of course i wasn't gonna use it but still i thought.

I climbed to the bed feeling sore. I got paid for my shift, i ate a berger on the way back to Samuel's house and took a taxi using the money from his tip. I was way too tired to be proud. My phone beside me buzzed again and i couldn't fell asleep because James sent me another hateful message threatening me that if he ever found me he would made me a cripple. I cried till morning. I still hadn't realised what had happened to my life within just four days.

I woke up to the smell of food a little later. Samuel was in the kitchen. His roommate had slept over in his girlfriend's house so we were just the two of us. Truth was that i didn't want to turn to him when i caught James having sex with Rashida, one random girl who lived at the neighborhood. Samuel was strongly against our relationship. He was always trying to get me a better job in an office or something like that but James every time talked me out of it. I knew what Samuel was gonna say and i wasn't in the mood. But now seeing him being so supportive i thought how stupid i was staying at parks and under bridges. I could easily have been murdered or raped. Luckily i survived without a scratch. Well almost.

Samuel kept dressing for work shouting. I had just told him about James. I calmed him down and he stormed out of the apartment telling me to be very careful. Ten minutes later James and a couple of his friends knocked the door angrily. Thank god the neighbors heard the noise and when they came and threatened them, they left before hurting me even further. I was almost naked in the middle of the floor, beaten and almost raped by three men. The apartment was a mess and Samuel's neighbors were trying to convince me to get me to a hospital and call the police but i managed to stop them. I asked for my phone knowing who could help me without the world knowing that the daughter of one of the most powerful men in Greece was alive, living all these years in England.

" Can you pick me up ? " i breathed with all the power i had inside me. He hang up the phone without answering me. Twenty minutes later he stormed in the apartment. Looking at me and around the living room, he grabbed my bag and without saying a single word he picked me up to his arms. Then i must have fainted. When i woke up i was laying in a hospital bed. Andrew was talking to a doctor a few meters away from me. More scared about my future than ever i knew that now there was no way back.

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