Chapter 21

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" Where the fuck were you ? ", he asked narrowing his eyes. He had drugged me inside the house and i could smell the whiskey from our closeness.

" Wherever i want to ", i answered trying to get rid of his strong grip." You have no right..."

" Answer me Alice or... "

" Or what ? "

" Or i swear you will not like what i am gonna do ", he warned me.

" What are you gonna do exactly ? Go ahead. Do it. Come on. We are just the two of us ", i said provoking him. He looked sexier than ever with his black shirt half buttoned. I tried to focus on how i could make him ever more angry ignoring the fact he already looked like crazy. I rushed upstairs, but he also followed.

" Don't you dare turn your back to me ", he shouted. I ignored him and continued to walk to my room. " Did you hear me ? "

" Leave me alone Andrew "

Outside of the room he grabbed my elbow and pinned me to the wall. I tried to escape but he used his bodyweight to block me.

" Don't make me ask again Alice "

" Why didn't you tell me about the money ? "

" Where the fuck were you ? "

" Why didn't you te..."

When he kissed me, stunned i didn't know how to react. He tried to make my mouth to open and that's when i bit him.

" Aaaaaa ", he groaned not leaving me. We started fighting but it was useless since he was a lot stronger and he knew it. He looked frustrated, angry and horny at the same time and when he tried to kiss me for the second time i bit him again even harder. Now he shouted backing off only a bit. He touched his lip, removing the blood, looking at me. We were both breathless from the fight, starring at each others eyes with determination. He attacked me for the third time but this time his hands grabbed my face kissing me so hard i could no longer resist from the force. I licked the blood of his lower lip sucking it hard feeling how hard he already was. I grabbed his shirt breaking the kiss leading him in my bedroom. When we reached the door he stopped.

" Say it ", he commanded and i knew what i was supposed to answer.

" Or ? ", i got even closer feeling his erection on me.

" Say it ", he said once more without moving.

" I want you ", i whispered in his ear.

" How much ? " God he wanted to play when i wanted to feel him inside me right now.

" Very much ", i answered shyly. He moved closer and kissed me again. He pulled up my tight dress put his hands inside my pants and began to finger me. I moaned loudly in his mouth. He kept doing it until i was ready to finish and when he took them away i almost screamed from desperation. Lowering my whole body, i opened his pants while he grabbed me again kissing me through the bed.

I removed the remaining clothes off of him and he got rid of my dress. When he got inside me we both couldn't contain our loud moans. I could hear him heavy breathing and that i thought is a sound i really liked to hear. It really turned me on even more. This time i was discovering his body touching him  everywhere, learning what parts of his body he liked me to touch, kissing him everywhere, leading him deeper by grabbing his firm ass.

He definitely knew what he was doing. Playing with the rhythm. Going hard one second, then completely changing the pace into a slow dance then hard and fast again. We had sex a couple more times. I couldn't stop not that i wanted to. A few seconds before he came the last time, i climbed down and i continued with my hand and mouth sucking him with need. He completely lost it saying no.

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