Chapter 15

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   It had already passed three weeks. I was preparing the wedding feeling numb. I was betraying Alex. I knew that. He had died in May and there i was six months later pregnant and engaged to be married to the guy he was always jealous of.

  I had chosen a dress that could cover my belly. I was skinny and the small bump was already showing. Andrew came over a few times to check on me. We were going to live in a big apartment in the center of the city with a beautiful view to acropolis. I would give birth and the next September i would start studying at the University of Athens. That was the plan. His parents were fond of me but i couldn't understand why they were almost happy when their son was marrying a girl he didn't care much about. We were so young and the scandal was huge. Every paper talked about us.

   A week before the wedding at December 10th we were sitting side by side at Mark's apartment. I was beyond tired from the intensive preparations. My father also wanted me to talk to Andrew about the company but i still couldn't bring that matter up or wanted to.

  " So did the doctor say anything ? ", Eleanor asked. " Is it a he or she ? "

  " It's probably a boy ", Andrew said smiling. I was startled but yes, he was actually smiling talking about the baby.

  " How are going to name him ? ", Cassandra asked curiously.

  " Spetses ", Max answered laughing. Andrew looked at him warningly.

" What ? All celebrities name their kids from the city they conceived them. It's the fashionable thing to do ", he concluded.

  " No. No. No. I have a better one ", i stopped him. " Straight whiskey ". Everybody bursted into laughter.

  " You were drinking vodkas ", Andrew corrected me.

  " So ? ", i said looking at him confused.

  " Well you might not remember which i doubt, but you were the one dragging me out of the bar ", he continued amused.

  " Oh is that so ? "

  " Well i actually saw that ", Mark said faking a cough.

  " Horny it is then ", Max shouted from the kitchen.

  " Just wait and in a little while he will say that i hit on him. Dancing closer than close and touching do not count as i wanna get laid. You poor thing, you almost got raped ", i said turning to Andrew annoyed. He was smiling charmingly at me.

   " I did not say that "

   " You implied it "

   " I implied that you also wanted to have sex with me even though you were denying it the whole trip ", he said truthfully.

   " And you didn't ? ", i snapped back blushing from embarrassment.

   " Don't be stupid. Of course i did ", he said speaking the obvious.

   Everybody starred at us half smiling without talking. I was annoyed that he had unveiled my emotions so casually. Now i wanted to have sex with him even more. My hormones were going even more crazy than my doctor had warned. I felt beyond guilty about Alex but every time he walked in my room the past weeks i felt the urge to undress him. " That is lust. Nothing more than hormones and sex ", i thought.  On the way back to my parent's house we were both silent.

   " Thanks ", i murmured taking of the seatbelt.

   " Are you still angry ? ", he asked.
   " No ", i said childlike.

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