Chapter 13

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   Andrew rushed to the kitchen to bring her some water while i was trying to calm her down. Answering one by one her questions she began to cry and hug me. I still didn't want to cry in front of him. I explained in summary my life till then and i started looking at Andrew for help when she was questioning me about our joint entrance.

" Why did you come here together ? Where are you staying ? "

" I am staying with Andrew ", i answered reluctantly.

" You are together aren't you ? You were holding hands when i opened the door. How, i mean when ? ", she was confused.

" Mom we are... "

" Getting married soon ", Andrew stopped me. " We met by accident in London, i wanted to see her again and here we are now ", he continued smiling at me.

" You two are getting married ? ", mom asked as not believing in her ears.

" Well yeah ", i said casually. " We met again and everything had changed so yeah we are "

" Ok ", she said utterly confused.

" I wanna see dad "

" I am going there sweety in a while. I will see if he is feeling any better today and i will call you to come. Ok ? "

" Ok, ok. I missed you so much ", i said hugging her tight. " I 'm sorry ", i murmured. She stroke my hair with tears in her eyes.

" You are back now ", she said smiling.

" I am, i promise i won't go anywhere. Call me ok ? ", i said as she was taking a taxi to the hospital.

   In the car i couldn't talk. Tears were constantly falling from my eyes. I was wearing my sunglasses but he must have noticed by the sounds i was making. Without saying anything he gave me a handkerchief.

   I realised that we were not going back home. He stopped in front of a huge building with his last name on it. Surprisingly he didn't order me to stay in the car and wait so we walked together inside the building. The man at the door happily greeted him.

" Mr Eisenhauer welcome ", he said holding the door for us.

" Good morning. Did AEK win last night ? ", he asked casually the doorman.

" Nah. Lost 2 - 5 ", the man replied disappointed.

" It's time for you to understand there is only one team ", he teased him. The man laughed.

   We went upstairs reaching the last floor. There was a huge lounge, his office, a large conference room and Max's office as the vice president of the company. His office was big with enormous windows and an amazing view of Athens. There were four big screens in one of the two walls. The other one was filled with paintings. Upon the small library beneath them there were some expensively framed pictures. One of his parents, one with Mark and Max younger but the third captured me. It was taken probably only a few months ago. Holding Alexander in his arms he was wearing a pale blue shirt looking at the baby laughing. Like really laughing.

   Looking at the photograph and then back to the person who looked in his drawer to find the thing he was searching of i wondered if it was the same one. He finally found it and he came closer to me. He opened the box and taking my hand without even asking for my permision placed a ring in my finger. It was even more breathtaking than the last one. This one had a huge oval cut diamond with a simple gold band. He also quickly placed a simple band to his finger.

" How the hell did you know that it would fit ? ", i asked surprised cause it actually fitted great. He looked at me strange, a mix of something dark and amusement and by saying nothing we went back to the car.

   A few minutes later my mother called saying that i had to go to the hospital. He drove me there and when i walked cautiously into my dad's room. I was so nervous that i was barely moving. My father looked so skinny and pale. Mom had already told me that he refused most of the machines. With tears in my eyes i stayed in his hug for a long time. When i tried to talk he didn't let me hugging more tight. Andrew waited outside. When my father noticed the rock on my finger he suddenly appeared in the door and he silently waved. Then again left our sight.

   A couple of hours later i was at the entrance of the hospital. I sat on the stairs crying, trying to call him to come pick me up. When he declined my call i looked at my phone puzzled. Within a second he was sitting next to me. He wiped my tears with his own hands, helped me get up and held me tight from my waist until we reached the car.

    Later that night i woke up in my bed with my clothes on. I changed and went downstairs to grab something to eat. I heard the sound of TV and i changed direction heading to the large living room. Andrew was sitting casually dressed in the coutch, ate chinese take out watching a documentary on History Channel. I sat next to him and took the other box. He just looked at me without saying anything. Then i remembered that, that summer something i liked about the man was that he knew when to shut up.

  I woke up next morning taking me a whole minute to remember what had happened last night and why i was sleeping in his arms. We were still on the couch. He must have gotten rid of the big cushions and we were slightly covered by a blanket. My face was buried to his neck and my arm was hugging him, our legs were tangled leaving no actual space between our bodies and his arms were encircling me. He was breathing steadily which meant he was still asleep so i tried to lift his arm and free my leg which was wrapped between his.

" Do you always move this much ? ", he asked scaring me. Leaving his hug i stood up in a hurry.

" Why did we exactly slept like that ? ", i asked for explanations.

" Because you were crying in your sleep and held me tight. I couldn't make a move ", he said sleepingly.

" Oh is that so ? ", i snapped.

" Oh that's so. Don't get any ideas ", he answered also standing.

" Well you are the one that told my mother we were going to marry without saying anything about the arrangement. So a lot could cross my mind ", i said angrily.

" It didn't seem to bother you. Anyway it's best your parents don't know about this ". He walked to the kitchen and i followed him furious.

" No. No, i can't fake a marriage. It's too much "

" You will ", he casually said while making coffee.

" Why ? "

" Because ", he said exasperated.

" That's not an answer Andrew "

" You always talk that much in the morning ? ", he said trying to hide his amusement but i could see that he wasn't taking me seriously.

   I couldn't find anything smart to answer back and unable to find anything to vanish this silly look from his face i kept staring at him. He looked so handsome with his loose grey sweatpants and his white big shirt preparing breakfast. Annoyed by my own reaction i went upstairs to get ready to go to the hospital. Nick informed me that he would accompany me for the day. I felt strange. Weeks ago i was all alone and now there were people around me all the time. In the car i couldn't help but think how warm his touch was. How strangely sweet he behaved yesterday without even saying a word.
" No. No. You hate the guy. Remember ", i scolded myself.

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