Chapter 10

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I woke up but i couldn't open my eyes. I cried my heart out last night thinking all the things he said. How could a person be so cruel ? I walked to the bathroom and got under the shower. I don't know how long i was in when he knocked the door. I got out, quickly covering my body with a towel.

" Pack your staff. We are leaving for London in a couple of hours "

" When is our flight to Athens ? "

" Whenever you are ready "

" I am "

" No "

" Yes "

" I said no, you are not "

" I need to see him. To see them "

" Right now you need to put your clothes on "

I remembered that i only wore a small pink towel and felt embarrassed. I stepped back, holding my towel in place. " Don't look ", i hissed back.

" So you are marrying me ", he stated after a pause not stopping looking at me.

" I didn't think i had the privilege of choice here. Will you take me back ? "

" I have work to do in London. It will keep me here at least by next Sunday. If we sort out the details of this arrangement and you agree to this, then i will see what i can do for you ".

" I could always just go back to them "

" You can "

" Why are you so fucking sure that i will suck it up and just let you ordering me around for the rest of my life ? "

" If you stay at the hotel room like a good girl the next few days i might actually tell you "

He left the room and i started packing my few clothes in a suitcase i found in the closet. He was being patient as always. I, on the other hand wanted to know everything here and now.

Three hours later we entered one of the most expensive hotels in London. The groom led us to our suite on the top floor. The room was spacious and so luxurious something that made me realise that i was so used to my previous state that all this seemed weird and foreign to me now. The suite included a large bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and an office. When the groome finished the tour he gave him a generous tip and turning to me informed me that he had some meetings to attend and he would be late.

" Tomorrow we are going shopping ", he said closing the door. I didn't get the chance to reply. I opened the TV and by nine i was bored. I was watching Notting Hill when i fell asleep at the sofa right before the cheesy end. I had forgotten how much i loved these kind of movies.

When i woke up the following morning i realised i was in bed. Puzzled i looked around when i saw Andrew across the bedroom to the office talking on the phone. He must have carried me. How the hell was he already up and ready ? I also got ready and followed him around like a puppy already sick of his behaviour. Thinking about my revenge we entered a designer's shop in Oxford Street. When he looked at me i stared back at him like an innocent devil. He rolled his eyes looking away.

Now, it had been more than three hours. I was slower than death while trying on the one thing after an another and i could clearly see his irritation. Happy with myself i closed the curtain ready to try on a pale blue Dolce & Gabbana tight dress. He suddenly opened the curtains and closed them quickly behind him.

" What the ...", i almost screamed. His patience had obviously run out. He zipped my dress and looked my face through the mirror.

" You are buying it "

" Get the fuck out Andrew "

" Don't test me Alice ", he said slightly narrowing his eyes.

" Then talk to me. Tell me what are we going to do ", i snapped angrily as he once more pulled the curtain behind me.

We walked to a restaurant close. We ordered and while he was checking his messages i was lost in thought looking out of the window. When i turned to him caught him staring.

" What ? "

" Eat ", he ordered looking back at his plate.

Even though i was still angry by the way he talked to me last night i knew it wasn't the time to have a fight with him. I wanted him to take me out of here. I wanted to go back to my parents.
" How have they been ? "

" Not good. He was diagnosed with cancer last year. Since then even worse "

My eyes started to get wet but i tried to avoid crying in front of him. I looked at him serious trying not to break into tears.

" So will you tell me now what is going on ? "

" You sure you want to know ? "

" If i have to marry you don't you think at least i should know the reason ? "

" Right you were a good girl yesterday. Well if you must know after you left your mother was deeply depressed. Eleanor and Cassandra were trying to help but nothing seemed to work. She went to a clinic for a couple of months. A few years later Mark and Max were out with some important clients and investors. They saw your father across the club talking to one of the owners. He is a quite known drug dealer with contacts in Turkey and Italy. They did some research privately and learnt that the last two ships he bought was a mafia deal. Secretly he transported drugs, illegal oil and drinks for them. The police was trying to catch him and they were quite close since many of his guys were new at the job and reckless "

" My dad ? No way ", i stopped him.

" Your father was going to bankrupt within months. Everybody knew it and suddenly his company became the owner of two brand new ships ", he answered.
" Anyway, Mark and Max tried to talk him out of this. Police was at the door. He gave them the names and they caught the guys they were after for fifteen years. It would be a great success for them so they offered your father his freedom. He had just learned his illness and that's why he decided to cooperate. They are safe now under police's protection but you are not. These guys can shoot you even in front of a police station. They don't care ".

" I still don't understand why you are doing this ", i said quietly.

" Your father is in this business for more than thirty years. He deals with very important men that trust him even now. If he steps out and i became his son in law they will be my clients without doubt. With the Emerson merger and your father's connections in middle East i will run one of the biggest shipping companies in the world by the end of next year.

" So it's just business for you ? "

" What else ? ", he asked bluntly not looking away from his plate.

" Wouldn't i be safer if i stayed here ? ", i continued nervous.

" Your asshole boyfriend..."

" Ex boyfriend ", i interrupted him.

" Your asshole ex boyfriend is already suspicious of your identity. So no it wouldn't be "

" When are we leaving ? "

" On Sunday night. You will be staying at my place in Athens "

" What ? No. I will stay..."

" Nobody knows about this arrangement. Nobody knows that i have found you. So you are staying at my house. We are engaged remember ? "

We both continued our lunch silent. There well a lot of things i needed to sort out and think. He looked tired. Extremely hot in this suit but tired. He paid shortly after and he went to another business meeting. He was gonna be late again.

The week passed quickly but he looked restless even though he was working almost 20 hours a day. We were traveling with his private jet. When he sat on the chair he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt. He opened and layed on his lap some files and started reading them with so much devotion it irritated me. Occasionally he checked on me. I was sitting at a seat across staring outside the window. He woke me up gently when we were about to land. Looking above i realised i was back in Athens, back home after eight years.

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