Chapter 22

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  I was in a meeting constantly trying to focus with no luck. We slept only a couple of hours and i was tired as fuck. Mark glancing at me with amusement made the situation even worse. When the meeting finally came to an end i walked back to my office with Mark behind me. He came in, sat in one of the chairs in front of my office and while checking his phone he talked about some details i needed to watch over a new deal. A few minutes later Max came in with three cups of coffee.

   " Don't you knock ? ", i said irritated knowing what was coming next.

   " Mark told me you were about to sleep on the table so i brought coffee, you fucking cunt ", Max answered sitting next to Mark. I kept checking my laptop indifferently seeing them smiling naughtily back at me.

   " Anything funny ? ", i asked even more irritated.
   " Besides the hickey on your neck ? ", Mark pointed and i picked up my phone seeing clearly that a hickey was showing right above my shirt.

   " Shit ", i groaned.

   " Have fun last night ? ". Max asked laughing uncontrollably.

   " You fucker told her didn't you huh ? You couldn't keep your mouth shut. I called you and you told me she wasn't there you asshole ! "

   " I expected at least a thank you note or something...I don't know, flowers
...maybe a salary increase...", Max turned to Mark who was now also laughing.

  " She answered his phone this morning ", Mark told him still laughing.

  " Man, if i knew you get worse when you finally get laid i wouldn't try to help ", Max informed me trying to look serious.

  " Oh come on ! Say something. Did you or not ? Because with all that nerves here i am starting to believe otherwise ", Mark said taking a sip of coffee.

   " We did ", i said also grabbing my coffee. They had a victory look on their faces but before they asked any further questions i told them i had work to do.

   " Well you definitely need some practice. You look like a train passed over you ", Max continued.

   " It wasn't the first time we...", i hissed regretting the moment it slipped my mouth.

   " I told you they were acting weird all this time! ", Max said to Mark while on the door. " When ? "

   " The night of her father's funeral ", i said quietly with guilt.

   " You fucking psycho. You slept with her in her childhood bedroom ? ", Max commented surprised.

   " It just happened. She wanted to ", i tried to defend myself.

   " You are the boss ", Mark commented pulling his hands up in the air.

   " Don't forget. At eight dinner at my place ", Max said leaving the office.

  The rest of the day went by wondering what was she doing. I wanted to call but didn't. At two o clock i could no longer wait so i texted.

    " You gave me a hickey "

   She replied shortly after...

    " You gave me many. But i guess your shows "

   " You guessed right. Thinking of me ? "

  " Are you ? "

  " Obviously "

  " I never thought you were the texting type of guy "

   " A lot you don't know babe "

   " A lot you don't know either "

   " Name one sweetheart "

   " When you licked the blood from your lip you were the sexiest thing i have ever seen ". She was teasing me and even though it was at least half an hour drive from here to our place i was willing to leave office for an another round.

    " Not a chance we sleep tonight either. See you at eight babe "

   She made me look at my phone like a horny teenage boy. I wanted her like a crazy but i was afraid i would scare her. Lisa, my ex girlfriend  broke up with me five months before meeting her again and all these months of celibacy and seeing around the house with tights made me want to jump her every day multiple times. So far, so good. I had manage to contain myself like a good boy but now that i had a good taste it was impossible to back off.

  At seven thirty i left the office in a hurry. I stopped to get a cake and a wine and headed to Max and Eleanor's house. Nick was driving Alice there. I parked the car and looked at the house. The lights were open and i figured that Cassandra and Mark would be already inside. There was no sign of Nick so i figured she wasn't inside. When i got closer to the gate i heard her calling me. I turned and saw her smiling looking radiant, marching to my direction.

  " Hi ", she said shyly.

  " Hi ", i said back and stole a quick kiss. She looked at the house scolding me with her look.

  " You gave me a hickey ", i showed her smiling. " They know ".

  " Sorry ", she said naughtily and kissed me sweetly once more.

  Then everything happened within seconds. A black car stopped in front of us, Nick screamed to watch out and someone opened the window shooting at our direction. A second later they disappeared and looking at Alice i saw  blood everywhere. She was shot.

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