Chapter 11

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   It was three in the morning and even just driving around Athens it felt like home. Andrew was running his hand through his short hair looking at the ceiling of the car. I thought he was staying at the center of the city, but i was wrong. The car stopped and we were in front of the most beautiful house i had ever seen. It had a big garden full of Mediterranean trees. The house was of the same style with large windows. When we entered giving me a quick tour i saw many boxes, only a couch and a small table in the living room. It seemed he had just moved in. In the back there was an empty pool.

" You will sleep to the room at your right upstairs and i will take the couch. The rest of the furniture will be here tomorrow morning. A lady will be here after 10 to clean the house and put everything together. You will say that you are my friend but nothing more. Get that ? "

" Yes sir ". He took a deep breath trying to ignore my sarcasm.

" Good. Her name is Maria ", he murmured and went back to the living room. Tired from the flight I slept almost immediately in an almost empty room waking up in the morning  because someone was ringing impatiently the door bell. When i opened a big guy dressed in a suit and a microphone in his ear was escorting a lady around forty five inside the house.

" You must be Maria ", i greeted her in greek as i let her in.

" Nice to meet you miss... "

" Oh it's Alice", i told her. She seemed quite nice.

" Well Mr Andrew said the transporters will be here soon but i will start from the kitchen until they come "

" Well i am going to help you wait for me to change i am coming "

   She tried to complain but my hard expression made her finally agree. I offered her coffee and some cookies the only things the kitchen had and we began to clean side by side. She showed me the right way to do it laughing from my incompetence when the movers arrived. The guy in black was standing in front of the kitchen door the whole time without letting me go out or anyone in. They left three hours later and when i got out i looked around surprised. The whole house was full of staff. Me and Maria opened the boxes and started putting them to their place. By seven we were almost ready.

" The rest tomorrow ", i said sending her home. I went to the door and asked from the bodyguard to call his boss.

" Nick ", i heard his stern voice saying.

" I want chinese "

" I will be late ", he declared but my hunger couldn't take no for an answer.

" Either you bring chinese home or i go out  to  find some ". Since he didn't speak i continued " and don't be late . I'm starving ".

   Almost an hour later i heard keys at the door and rushed downstairs. He held two large packages which i took from his hands rushing to the kitchen. He followed me slowly.

" It's for me too ", he said grabbing a bite.

While eating he passed me a brand new i phone, a credit card and some cash.

" My dream just came true ", i said ironically. He actually smiled at my comment. That must have been the second time i caught him smiling. Not that i was counting.

" Andrew "

" Say it "

" I wanna see the girls ". He seemed in a good mood and i thought that i should take advantage.

" Soon ", he replied to my annoyance.

" Will it kill you if you answer forming a whole sentence ? I don't like being alone here. It's boring ", i explained.

" You' ve been cleaning all morning with Maria when did you get bored exactly ? When she left you immediately called me "

" Are you stalking me ? "

" My dream came also true ", he replied bluntly leaving the kitchen.

   The next couple of days passed while Maria and i were working on the house. Finally everything came into place. A cleaning workshop came the day before and now the pool was also clean and full. It was beautiful outside but chilly. I was getting bored and annoyed that it had been four days already and i still wasn't allowed to go out, to see my friends and most importantly my parents.

   He always came back late at night. I suspected that he was working late about the merger and remembering my father years ago i found myself feeling sorry for him. " No. No. No. He is an emotionless piece of shit. No ".

   The next morning  i woke up from the sound of a cellphone ringing. His door was slightly open so sleepingly i walked to his drawer to make it shut the hell up. It was six in the morning his room was dark and he was sleeping deep. He didn't wear any shirt just his black bottoms. His back was way more muscular than i remembered. Inside his bottoms, his boxer war slightly showing. Trying to bury the faint memory of his male parts as he was almost uncovered i walked closer to cover him. His face seemed so relaxed and i thought that nobody could look that sexy while asleep. When i touched the covers he started turning around scaring me. His bare chest made me feel embarrassed for some reason and i scolded myself. " Nothing you haven't seen before here Alice ". He looked at me confused while i continued to stare.

" I turned your alarm off ", i said explaining myself.

" Hhmm ", he murmured staring back at me. Even his mumble sounded so hot at the moment and i left the room in a hurry thinking how long it had been since the last time i had sex. Was it a couple of months or more than eight years ? Lately i caught myself thinking the night at Spetses - at least what i could remember - more often than i would like to admit.

   Later in the kitchen I was trying to get an actual answer from him while he had breakfast about when he was finally let me go see everybody else.

" When i come back we will discuss the details and over the...'

" You never come back early. It's just an excuse...", i said following him at the door like a little girl.

" We have to agree on some things and then i am going to tell them you are back ". Opening the door while his phone was ringing all this time he looked surprised.

   Mark and Max were standing at the front frozen. Nick was behind them probably unable to stop them. They were both looking at me stunned, holding coffee and a couple of bags with breakfast. I grabbed the bags kissed them both smiling casually and when they got their shit together the whole neighborhood might have heard their voices.

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