Chapter 14

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   My dad was feeling better the last couple of weeks. His doctor said that he was a fighter and my presence made him even stronger. I was spending a lot of time there or with the girls. Andrew and i had a huge fight five days ago. He had two bodyguards accompany me everywhere. The house was a fortress. There was security at the door 24 hours a day and cameras covering the whole house. I hated the feeling that i was once again chased and trapped. Storming in the home office he didn't even bother to look up.

" What the fuck ? Your stupid bodyguards don't even leave the room when i talk privately with my parents. They sit almost next to me when i go for a coffee ". He still didn't leave his paperwork to look at me.

" Everybody knows that you are back and we need to be careful ", he said indifferently as he was studying a document. Furious i grabbed it from his hands to make him react in some way.

" We don't need. YOU DO ", i corrected him.

" That's the spirit. Now lower your voice, give me back the paper and get out of my office ". His voice was cold and collected but i could see his irritation.

" I won't till you order them to back off. I am not your dog, property or anything. I have a free fucking will and i don't want to feel imprisoned. What's so hard to understand ? "

" You are my property ", he answered casually. I tried to protest but he didn't let me. " You will do whatever i want you to, speak when i say so and go wherever i give my permission until you learn to do things my way by your own. Get that in your thick scull already "

  " Who are you ? Who the hell do you think you are ? ", i yelled at him.

  " WHO AM I ? WHO ARE YOU ? ", he yelled back standing up. " You need me to tell you ? Very well then...Right now you are a screwed up girl who gets bothered by two men ready to take a bullet for HER. Now enough with your teenage nonsense. GET OUT ! ", he yelled and i turned around slamming the door behind me. He didn't use yelling. I had never actually heard him yell before. Tears started to fall and when i managed to calm down all i could think was that he thought that i was being a spoiled brat. After that we didn't have much interaction and his bodyguards were now standing 3 meters away.

   It was the night of Max's and Eleanor's engagement party. It was chilly outside but I decided to wear a red midi dress with spaghetti straps. I wore nude high heels and a long coat of the same colour. My make up was light, my hair down and looking at the huge ring at my finger i waited nervously for him to pick me up. There were definitely gonna be a lot of cameras. The media already were constantly talking about my case since photos of me outside of the hospital had emerged since i got back. Andrew made the announcement of our engagement much earlier than expected. He even had to make a restraining order against media just to make them leave our front door.

    I heard keys but i stayed put on the couch. He walked upstairs and ten minutes later he came downstairs.

   " We are going to be late ", he stated coldly. He was still holding me a grudge for the other day.

   " You are the one who came back late, not me ", i answered annoyed. He grabbed my arm with strength and made me turn around and meet his hard gaze. He was still mad from our fight i could tell.

   " Tonight everybody will stare. Don't do anything stupid "

   " You are hurting my arm ". I protested but what bothered me even more was that we were so close and i was feeling extremely nervous.

   " Just be careful. Everybody will stare "

   " Yes, sir ", i ironically answered back following him to the car.

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