You just need to tell me

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Dowoon was still looking down at his desk smiling to himself, getting lost in his thoughts.

'How is this boy so cute?'
He thought to himself never really seeing anyone quite like him before.

'He been at this school. Even if he was never in this class why have so never seen him in the halls? And why would he transfer so late in the school year.'

Dowoon scratched his head in confusion thinking about Wonpil. He pulled out his phone checking the time, and judged himself at the fact that he's been thinking for at least five minutes.

'Just brush these thoughts off Dowoon, you have better things to do. Like study. You can think about him later. He's just another student at this school, there shouldn't be anything special about him'

He ignored his own commands and thought about the boy more, still being engaged at the topic of him.


He's thoughts were cut off my something hitting his head. He recognized that voice, and noted that it was definitely Younghuyns, and watched a pencil. Probably what his his head. Fall to his feet.

He looked over and saw Sungjin put a hand over his annoying friends mouth.

"Shut up. I don't want to get in trouble for being to loud."

Like Sungjin could tell the future. The teacher that was normally friendly and nice, gave a scary piercing look at the three standing at Dowoons desk. And went back to her own work.

"So why does." Younghyun looked at Dowoons desk. "Cold nuclear fusion, and doodles of flowers have you so focused?" He said with a smirk.

Dowoon remembered that he spaced out looking down at his book smiling, but captivated, and put his things in his backpack with his ears slightly red.

"N-nothing. I just remembered something funny and spaced out."

One Dowoon was ready to go, the three started to walk out the class and down the hall to sungjins car.

Younghyun face had a look of unsatisfactory on it and looked at the youngest. "Dowoon don't lie to me. I know when you lie, tell me the truth."

"It's nothing, leave it be." The three just walked in silence, Dowoon not wanting to discuss it right now. Him still being confused with his own thoughts.

A little time passed and when they were about to get into the car Younghyun stoped in his tracks and let out a loud gasp. Making the two other boys look at him.

"Where you thinking about someone?"

Dowoon didn't think it was possible but Younghyun had somehow copied the Lenny face onto his own. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and put his hand on Dowoons shoulder.

"You know buddy. I could always give you some tips. But just remember to always use p-"

He was cut off my Sungjins backpack being thrown at his head.


Sungjin picked up his backpack and got into his car, starting it. Dowoon getting in too while laughing at Sungjin. "I'm not a child Sungjin, i know things like that. I'm friends with Younghyun what do you expect.". Sungjin shook his head in disappointment. "I tried to keep you innocent, i give up."

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