XV- End

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(Lmao yes I'm that person tho time skips way ahead to finish a book idk how to end it

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(Lmao yes I'm that person tho time skips way ahead to finish a book idk how to end it.)

Three years later:

It was the day after Wonpil's birthday. We actually had a day off for once. Our classes and my part time job normally getting in the way of having a day to ourselves, and sure we'd see each other later because we shared an apartment together- and with the other four boys. Though it never seemed like that was a lot of time.

But today I didn't have work and we didn't have classes.

Well I kinda skipped one of my classes but he doesn't need to know that.

Our college was a bit further than we're we used to live so when we started school we would explore around town and find new places we liked. One of those places being a little river.

Wonpil mainly liked it because there would be tons of flowers growing there and he liked picking them and some times making little flower crowns out of them.

Then I liked it he use it was a nice place to study or a peaceful little hangout to just relax. Wonpil and I have lunch here a lot when we have a few hours together between classes or work and they are some of my favorite memory's I have with him and our friends.


Freshman year of college:

"Jae I swear to god if your fall in the river you can't come back in my car." I laughed at Sungjin's comment looking over at Jae who was trying to cross the calm river on random rocks scattered on it. Looking at the side of the river seeing Wonpil and Junghyeok close but if anything avoiding the water, taking a few flowers growing by it and I cracked a small smile.

I continued walking just a few feet away from the river till I found a tree with a pretty flat surface around it and it wasn't surrounded my mud and dirt like the other trees. It had soft grass and it hasn't rained in a few days so it was dry. I sat down under it Younghyun walking over to me and dropped everyone's stuff under, hearing him tiredly pant a bit, his hands on his knees.

"Jesus fuck I hate bets." I laughed at him seeing Sungjin walk over too, sitting down next to me.

"Maybe you shouldn't try to beat Junhyeok and Wonpil in a fucking flower crown making contest then. You should know better than that kid you deserved to carry our stuff." The younger rolled his eyes at Sungjin, picking a small pebble up and throwing it at him. Younghyun sitting down against the tree as well taking a breath in.

"This place is nice, who knew this shit city would be near something like this." Both Sungjin and I looked at Younghyun with judgmental and confused eyes. "Dude we moved in like three days ago, it's not that bad of a place."

He just let out a sigh, pulling something out of his backpack it being a small notebook. "Yeah I know I'm just homesick." We nodded and I felt a little bad for the boy even though he could just take a forty five minute drive or subway ride back home on the weekends.

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