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Dowoon slowly woke up, feeling more energized than Saturday- well it would make sense

He still didn't want to get out of his warm bed though. But eventually he started getting ready for school making sure to grab his and Wonpil's project on the way out of his room. He dragged his feet into kitchen, grabbing a cookie and placing it into a plastic baggie and putting it into his backpack. He took out his phone and saw a text from Sungjin saying "I'm here."
He walked out of his house locking the door behind him and saw Sungjin on his driveway looking a little tired in the drivers seat seeing his eyes drop down.

Dowoon walked up to the car opening the door and sitting down, putting his seat buckle on. He looked at Sungjin his eyes still closed and Dowoon could have sworn he heard soft snores come from the older. He shook his shoulder violently, and yelled. "WAKEY WAKEY, EGGS AND BAKEY." Sungjin jumped at the violent shaking and Dowoons loud voice blasting in his ear. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT." Sungjin raised his hand treating to hit Dowoon and he just held his arms i front of his face and laughed at the older. "You just needed some waking up. Why do you seem so tired anyway?"

Sungjin shook his head and pulled out of Dowoons driveway. "I was up late texting." Dowoon just looked at Sungjin with amusement. "Really? Who would stay up late texting you? Was it Junhyeok~?" Dowoon wiggled his eye brows at the older and he only groaned in annoyance. "I wasn't texting anything like that. But yes it was texting him." A small smile forming on the Sungjins face, probably remembering he conversation he had last night with Junhyeok. Dowoon nodded and looked back at the road. Smiling, happy that one of his closest friends found someone that could make him happy.

After a little while of driving, probably half way to school Sungjin broke the comfortable silence between the two. "So speaking of relationships and all of that. How are you and Wonpil?" Dowoon looked at Sungjin a bit confused. Why he would bring up the topic of his boyfriend? He noticed Sungjin had a small smirk of his face and Dowoon connected the dots, his ears being dusted a light pink and his eyes widening. "How did you know?" And the older just laughed at him.
"We're friends with Younghyun Dowoon. You think he wouldn't tell me?"

Dowoon threw his arms up, swearing that he'll kill Younghyun when he sees him today. They arrived at school shortly, and Dowoon angrily got out of the car making sure to carry the project with him. He spotted Younghyun and he ran up to him having Sungjin yell out to him telling him to slow down and his legs couldn't keep up.

Younghyun spotted him his eyes widening when Dowoon raised his arm and smacked his arm feeling a sting through the area of contact.

"YOU BITCH WHAT WAS THAT FOR." Dowoon stuck his tung out at the older. "YOU RATTED ME OUT TO SUNGJIN TELLING HIM TH-" Dowoon paused and lowered his voice making sure no one but Younghyun could hear him. "That i fucked Wonpil, you fucking fuck snake." Younghyun looked at Dowoon with fake disappointment, as Sungjin finally caught up with Dowoon, winded.

"So. fucking. disrespectful, using that language to your elder." Younghyun shook his head and Dowoon swore he was losing brain cells. He was about to yell at him again till he saw Wonpil walk up to the small group, waving to everyone.

He stood next to Dowoon and the youngest turned to him speaking up but quite enough so only he could hear him. "Hey, how are you feeling today?" Wonpil just widened his eyes at the younger and his cheeks dusted a very light pink. Dowoon looked over noticing Younghyun looking at them smirking, but ignored it looking back at Wonpil as he responded.

"B-better than before." Dowoon smiled at the older, and ruffled his hair. Then turned to Sungjin and Younghyun. "Do you guys wanna get inside now?" Everyone nodded except for Younghyun who was on his phone texting someone, probably Jae. "No i need to meet up with someone real quick. I might be a little late to class, so just say to the teacher that i woke up late." Dowoon and Sungjin looked at him confused and nodded everyone going their separate ways. They got to class a little early so Dowoon started a conversation up with Wonpil, a little bored.

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