After I tell you these words -Sm-

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It had been a month since Dowoon and Wonpil had started dating and everything was going well. The two where still getting closer to each other and nothing except their title changed and the fact that they where so clingy to each other now.

"Younghyyyun. Dowoon and Wonpil are late."
Younghyun looked up from his phone to see a pouty Jaehyung standing in front of him looking down at him on the couch. They were currently waiting for Dowoon and Wonpil to come over so they all can hang out and have some sort of a double date situation at Younghyuns house, but the two where taking a long time.

"Yeah about that, Dowoon just texted me that they'll be 30 minutes to and hour late."
Jae looked at him dumbfounded. "That's such a big time gap Younghyun!"

Younghyun laughed and put down his phone next to him. He held Jaes hands and pulled the boy towards himself, having Jaehyung straddling him. Letting his hands rest on Jae's waist. "We could do something quick while we are waiting, Hm?"

The younger lightly pinched Jaes cheeks, like his face was a squishy toy and looked at his Jaes cute features on his face.

Jae just smirked at him. "What do you think we should do?" Letting his eyes traveling down to Younghyuns lips. He gave a small peck to it before Younghyun went back and actually kissed him, Jaehyung responding quickly.

The older took Younghyuns hair into his hands and ran his fingers though them, while Younghyun licked Jaes top lip and sucked at it, before doing the same to his bottom lip, and let their tongues fight for dominance.

Younghyun moved his hand from Jaes waist to unbutton two of Jaes top buttons on his shirt, and pulled fabric to the side of Jae, exposing his left collarbone and shoulder.

He disconnected his lips from the older's, and moved them down to his Jawline, nipping at it, before moving to his Adam's apple and sucking at the lump on his skin. He moved away from his neck, and looked at the red mark he left on the olders skin, not being satisfied enough by the look of it.

He moved back down this time going to Jaes exposed collarbone.

He sucked at the skin and moved his hands from Jaes waist to his thighs. He gave them a small squeeze, and Jae moved his hips forward in response, and Younghyun letting out a long sigh against Jaes skin at the contact Jae gave above him.

Jae noticed his reaction to the friction he gave him, so he started to rock his hips at a slow pace on him. Younghyun disconnected his lips from Jae's now purple spot on his skin and let his head fall back on the couch, As he let a soft groan escape his mouth. "Shit, Jae."

He bucked his hips up when Jae rocked his hips harder on him and Younghyun used his hands to press Jae down on him more, and grinded his hips up on Jaehyung. Jaes chest pressed against Younghyuns for more friction . "How are you so good at this?" The older smiled at Younghyun from the compliment.

He let one of his hands go the the back of Jaes head and he pulled him forward and started to kiss Jae again. The two went back to lazily fight for dominance, their minds being to hazed, and lost in pleasure to try.

Jae was in the middle of unbuckling Younghyuns belt.

"Younghyun! We're here now!"

Jae jumped off Younghyuns lap, falling on the floor. The two saw Wonpil and Dowoon walk into the room looking at the scene in front of them.

Jae with swollen lips and two red and purple marks on his skin. And Younghyun sitting on the couch but with his belt undone, his hair a mess, and again, swollen lips.

"Did you get into a fight Jaehyung? Where did you get your bruises?" Wonpil crouched down next to Jae and examined the two marks, looking at them with concern. "I- no Wonpil. I didn't get into a fight." He saw the worry leave Wonpil's face and he let out a sigh of relief.

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