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Tuesday was very uneventful, but stressful for the two boys. A big test that was 10% of their grade was next week and they needed to study. Class was boring and long and all they did was take painful notes. School eventually ended and Dowoon and Wonpil where about to walk out together before Sungjin stoped Wonpil ,and Younghyun stoped Dowoon, pulling the two youngest boys apart into separate locations.

Dowoon and Younghyun ended up going into a class room that was now empty because all the kids were so eager to leave, most likely all of them probably desperate to get out of the boring room. "Okay, so, Dowoon. Do you wanna hang out today?" The younger stared at Younghyun perplexed.

"You pulled me away from Wonpil just to ask that?" Younghyun nodded his head, and Dowoon squinted his eyes at him "S-sure i guess, can i bring Wonp-"

"Nope." Younghyun immediately cut the younger off and opened his mouth to talk. "I just wanna hang out with you, like the old times." Dowoon just furrowed his eye brows at him, very confused.

"If it was like old times that Sungjin would be here too. But he's with Wonpil." The oldest just nodded smiling. "Sungjin will be joining us, he's just bringing him to Jae because he wants to hang out with Wonpil." Dowoon nodded, still feeling confused and the two walked out of the class and spotted Sungjin running up to them, panting for air. "You guys-."

He went for more breath, putting his hands on his knees. "You guys- need to- make me- stop running, so much." He looked up at them and stood straight up again. "I'm getting to old for this." Younghyun patted the oldest back. "There is hardly any age difference idiot." Sungjin threatened to hit Younghyun and the three just laughed walking to the car to hang out.


"Wonpil!" Jae yelled his name once he saw them a few feet away running to him. Sungjin let go of Wonpil's arm dropping him off in front of Jaes class he just got out off. "I need to go now. Bye Jae, bye Wonpil." He waved them goodbye Wonpil doing so very confused and he just looked at Jae.

"What am i doing here?" Jae just nervously laughed and brushed it off. "Can't i hang out with my best friend?" Wonpil shook his head at first but quickly nodded his head rethinking Jaes question.

"boi- Anyway can we hang out at your house?" Wonpil hesitantly nodded still very confused with the situation going on right now. "It's not like i have a choice, sure." They walked out of the school, and to Wonpil's house thankful that it was a short distance away from the school.

His parents just left for a business trip the previous day and wouldn't be back for a while, and Solji was gone visiting some family, so the house was completely empty. They walked up to Wonpil's room both of them collapsing on his bed laying down. They didn't exchange any words they just stayed there in the comfortable silence.

Jae looked to Wonpil and spoke up, changing the silent room. "Are you free on your birthday? And any days after that?" Wonpil turned his head to look at had a bit confused.

"Yeah, my parents aren't home so they won't be making me do anything, and my birthday is the day before we go on break I'll be free the whole week." Jae looked back up to the ceiling. "Good because I'm coming over again."

The youngest his laughed at his straight forward friend. "You better. Don't you dare plan breaking the streak of you coming over."

Jae nodded. Normally on Wonpil's birthday Jae would come over and celebrate it with him. Before he met Jae, he wasn't one for celebrating, he just wasn't raised to celebrate his birthday. But as soon as the older met him, Jae made it more of an important day, and a day he looked forward to.

Most of the time they would stay at his house playing video games and Solji would make them a cake and they would end up eating the entire thing and getting a stomach ache after. But they still kept up the tradition, every single year. Playing games till their eyes brunt, and eating cake till they felt like they would throw up.

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