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I slowly woke up almost shivering at the cold air around me. Probably not the best idea to fall asleep with minimal clothes last night but it was warmer last night so i guess i could give myself that. But cold wasn't the only feeling i felt, i noticed soreness and a bit of pain shoot through some areas mainly on my torso.

Oh yeah, dip shit Chiwon did that.

Once again like many times though, i looked down noticing and feeling the warmth of Wonpil in front of me hugging me back. Any negative thoughts of Chiwon being pushed away, by cooing at the sleeping boy, the emotion that's basically equivalent to looking at a fluffy baby bunny, but- Wonpil giving me this feeling.

I knew waking up with him could never get old, but maybe waking up with him with bruises all over my torso can. He must have turned around in his sleep and got in this position when i was to far into sleep because i didn't even notice him move. I chuckled lightly, remembering a small bit of last night, the less eventful, but more cherished event that night. He really wasn't kidding when he said he's really clingy in his sleep.

I felt Wonpil move a little bit, him nocking his legs against mine from stretching them out, and letting out a sigh waking up. He slowly opened his eyes blinking them more as he opened them wider and adjusted to the light even if there wasn't much shining through the window. He looked up at me and i just looked back at him, seeing him still tiredly squinting his eyes at me not wanting to open them anymore.

"Morning pil." I brought by hand up, running my fingers though the boy's hair, trying to untangle his bed head, as he hummed at me. "How'd you sleep?"

He didn't respond, just kept looking at me squinting his eyes. I was confused at why he didn't respond before he inhaled and let out a small sneeze that honestly sounded like a kitten or literally anything cute you could think of, making a sound. Shaking his head and looked up at me once he was done, looking back at me more awake.

"Good." I smiled at him before he loosened his grip on me a little, moving away a slight bit. He probably remembered about the bruises scattered around my torso. He finished moving back, but still hugging me, just not at much before, speaking up once again. "How about you?" I laughed responding with a small 'good' as well, and pulled his body back, closer to mine. Resting my chin on the top of his head as he just sighed, giving up and putting his head in the nape of my neck.

"Your so mean to yourself." I laughed just hugging him tighter to the point where he would definitely notice, and shook my head. "No, I'm the nicest person in the world for deciding to cuddle Kim Wonpil himself."

He giggled digging his head further into my neck. "You should ice your bruises though." I shook my head almost shivering at the feeling. "It's to cold for ice."

He giggled again and i felt him shrug his shoulders. "If your cold then we could warm up in some way if you want." I looked down at him, his head moved from the nape of my neck to in front of my face, looking back at me with his cute doe eyes.

"Oh really?" I let a small pause go by, before i spoke up again, deciding to tease the smaller boy in front of me. A hint of impurity and something like sensuality going with my words. "How could we warm up~?"

He looked at me a little confused before widening his eyes, his cheeks flushing up probably catching on to what i was hinting at. Me wondering if Wonpil even meant it in that way, although knowing PurePil himself, i highly doubt he was.

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