Your eyes are shaking

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As soon as Dowoon got to school, he rushed to his class room and put his head down on his desk.

He was to tired to deal with class that day, using all his energy on getting ready as fast as he could. He didn't even notice Wonpil take his seat next to him.

All he could hear was muffled words coming from the teacher and some people around him.

Till he heard a soft voice that was close to him.


Dowoon didn't know who the voice belonged to exactly, but it sounded a little familiar. If whoever had the voice was trying to wake him up, it wasn't working, it was so peaceful and calming to him, he just feel deeper into sleep.

Of course not all things could go Dowoons way and he felt a small pain hit his head, causing him to jolt awake.

He shut his eyes and rubbed his head, remembering back to yesterday when Younghyun threw a pencil at his head. "KANG FUCKING YOUNGHYUN IM GOING T-"

"Yoon Dowoon."

He opened his eyes and looked up to who the voice belonged to and saw his teacher, looking down on him. And looked to his left seeing Wonpil look at him, with a worried expression.

He opened his mouth and softy but quickly said
"S-sorry Dowoon."
The voice belonged to Wonpil.

Dowoon looked back at his teacher in front of him "Sorry Mrs.Kim."

The teacher shook her head in disappointment and spoke up. "Since you weren't listing. I'll pear you up with someone for the project. Wonpil?"

The woman looked at the boy, Wonpil looking at her panicked, not knowing if he was in trouble to.

"Don't worry your not in trouble." Wonpil's face quickly calmed down. "But you'll be with Dowoon for this project. As for everyone else." She saId while turning to the rest of her class.
"You can pick your own partners, or work by yourself."

She went to her seat to the front desk and everyone got up to chose their partners while Dowoon and Wonpil sat in silence.

Dowoon not knowing what to say because he had no clue what's going on. He was trying to peace everything together when everything was on the white board.

'Class project- chose one partner - due in three months'. He was still thinking in silence till the quiet boy next to Dowoon broke it.

"H-hey Dowoon, I'm sorry for that."

Dowoon looked at him in confusion and saw him looking down at his hands fidgeting with with them .

"I should have been a little louder on waking you up. Then you wouldn't have been called out by the teacher in front of the class. I-it's fine if you don't want to do the project with me. If you want i could do all the work. Or i c-"

"Hey!" Dowoon cut off the smaller boy. A little shocked at himself for saying it so loud. Wonpil looked at him worried.

"It's okay that you didn't wake me up. It's my fault for falling asleep anyway. Don't worry your fine." Wonpil nodded still looking a little worried. Dowoon let a little time pass, Wonpil's expression not leaving. "Any time i look at you, you look worried. It's like your eyes are always shaking."

Wonpil's eyes widened a little bit, and he looked back down at his hands. "Sorry." Dowoon just softly laughed at him. "You say sorry a lot too. Don't you?" Wonpil nodded and slipped out yet another "sorry."

"Hey it's okay. You don't need to say sorry so much, you've don't nothing wrong." After that, Dowoon gave the boy a smile and he gave him a soft one in return.

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