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(A/N i warned you this is pure cringe)

Dowoon Pov:

I pulled Chiwons arm leading him out of the house, tightly holding his wrist. Theres not fucking way he's getting away before i know what's going on.

I don't think of myself as over-protective or possessive, to an extreme extent, but the second i saw his hands on wonpil, and to make it worse, Wonpil looked so uncomfortable and tense during it.
As soon as we got out of the house, i let go of his arm. Thinking of something fast to just get this over with.
"What the do you think you where trying to pull back there?"

Chiwon held his wrist rubbing it trying to make the slight pain go away. Honestly, Fuck it, he deserved it after making wonpil uncomfortabl- . "I was trying to fuck Wonpil, obviously." I looked at him shocked, my mind becoming clouded with a feeling, but I tried to push it back down.

"Yeah but he's my boyfriend." He rolled his eyes, not taking in any information. "Can you just kindly fuck off, and stay away from him?" I didn't want to deal with him any longer, and started walking back to go into the house.

"What? No."
I slowed down my pace and eventually stoped in my tracks and turning around to look at him seeing him casually smile at me before he spoke up. "What are you worried about the fact if he even wanted it or not? Please, if he didn't want it, he would have said something. It's fucking wonpil, he can't shut up. He'd leave you for me if i could show him."

Did i hear him correctly? Or did someone put something into my drink regardless of me watching it all night. "N-no, you just made him scared. He couldn't to think of a way to stop you, and he wouldn't agree."
Wonpil is loyal right? Wonpil, wouldn't leave me for him, right? Chiwon chuckled, which confused me and spoke up. "I would do it regardless if he agreed to it or not, it's fucking Wonpil have you seen him?"

I broke eye contact with him and drew my attention to some random spot on the ground, hearing him say something but i didn't hear over my thoughts processing this bull shit.
He would fucking rape him?
Would wonpil even be strong enough to stop him?
Would wonpil be able to do anything about it if it happened?

"Hey." I heard him, but i didn't give my attention to him, still thinking just giving him a small hum.

"Oh my god, Stop being a bitch and look at me." I looked back at him snapping out of my thoughts, almost gagging from smelling the alcohol scent radiating off him, it coming stronger from the proximity from our faces, realizing how close he got.

I looked at his face and noticed he looked so different from earlier today. He was nice and appeared as a welcoming person when i first saw him but now, he just looks like someone foreign, someone I've never met and his face is like he's craving things like violence. Shit, please don't turn out how i think this situation will.

His complexion was a deep shade of red, a clear sign of the alcohol he took earlier, spreading through his system. And more signs like the disgusting smell coming from him and his unstable stance.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "So. Your basically admitting to plan on fucking raping Wonpil?" He chuckled nodding his head, and I looked at him with a face i never thought i could give anyone, just full of anger and disgust wanting to fucking punch him if i got the chance.

"What? There's nothing wrong with giving him a good f-"
I didn't let him finish as i lifted my hand slapping him across the face. A fucking bitch move, and not a punch, but something that was hopefully enough to make him shut up, and maybe something that will actually slap some sense into him.

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