Now I can tell you

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Younghyun looked at his phone satisfied, and pressed the send button. "What are you smiling about this time." He looked to his left to see a tired Jae, half-under Younghyuns blanket. "It's late Younghyun you need to sleep not type on your phone."

Dowoon and Wonpil left their house from hanging out a few hours ago. Wonpil sleeping over at Dowoons, again. And the two, well mostly Younghyun, where still up.

"I just sent somehing to Dowoon and Wonpil, that's all." Jae squinted his tired eyes at him. "Whaaaat was it?"

Younghyun turned off his phone and put it on his charger on the side of his bed. "Nothin."

"Can you at least give me a hint? Pleaaase?" Younghyun laughed at Jae. And crawled on top of him, getting in between his legs. "Lets just say they might be doing what we can do right now soon." Jae laughed at Younghyun, and his hand traveled down to the hem of Younghyuns pajama shorts.

"Really? They are both slow dunces that don't know they want to do it with each other. They wouldn't do it even if someone threw a boulder at their face." Younghyun kissed Jaes neck and let his hands roam around Jaes long thighs. "Well i might just throw a boulder at their face and hope it goes well then. Gotta give them a father to son talk. I mean you kept Wonpil innocent for so long."

Jae was in the middle of slipping off Younghyuns pants when he paused, almost revealing Younghyun. "You? That 'father'? Why am i not the dad?"

Jae resumed on slipping off Younghyuns pants and the younger squeezed Jaes exposed thigh. Him almost never wearing pajama pants to bed because of events like this. His kissed Jae quickly and disconnected his lips from his. Smirking at him sassily.

"Because your the one that gets my dick up your ass almost every night. That's why."
He slipped off Jaes shirt, and continued.

Dowoon woke up, looking confused at his phone.

Wonpil was lightly clinging on to him, still asleep and Dowoon quickly skimmed through the text Younghyun sent him.

From: Younghyun... hyung🦊3AM
Hey Dowoon. I need to talk to you today at school, but make sure Wonpil isn't there, or he's distracted at least mk?

Dowoon 6.30am
Why do you wanna talk to me in person, can't you just text?

From: Younghyun... hyung🦊
I need to give you something. But don't look at it till i tell you to.


Dowoon let out a long sigh that woke Wonpil up. The smaller looked at him with tired eyes and tilted his head. "What's wron?"

Dowoon shook his head. "Nothing, Younghyuns just being weird again."

Wonpil laughed at him, his eyes turning into crescents. "Makes sense." Dowoon smiled at the older and kissed his forehead. "Come on, we need to get ready for school."

After about 30 minutes of getting ready. Well Dowoon dragging around a tired Wonpil, they got to school, and Dowoon looked around for Younghyun.

A few minutes before the bell rang, and everyone except for Wonpil and Dowoon filed out of the halls, he saw a panicked Younghyun dragging Jae by the arm.

"Jae hurry up your going to be late to class." Younghyun looked around, not seeing anyone else but Dowoon and Wonpil, and picked Jae up bridal style.

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