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Nothing really happened after our little hangout. The week just continued, as usual, thankfully Wonpil got better and wasn't having coughing fits every two seconds and thank god it was finally Friday. Which also meant.

"Happy birthday Wonpil!" Jae shook my shoulders from behind me out of excitement and I just rolled my eyes at him seeing Wonpil look back at us surprised. The four of us screaming maybe startling his tired self.

Younghyun went up from behind him clipping a small party hat on his hair that I think was actually for pets due to its small size. Wonpil just chuckled smiling at him and looked back at everyone else Jae walking up to him tying a small balloon to his wrist while the shortest let out a small giggle speaking up.

"You guys are crackheads." Jae and Younghyun laughed saying I know in unison making Wonpil give them a confused but amused look. He turned towards me but Sungjin caught his attention quickly giving him a small candy, and which Wonpil being Wonpil, ate immediately.

"Oh my god guys let him say hi to his fucking boyfriend." I turned to look at Younghyun who made the comment and laughed at him seeing everyone agree, and then Wonpil being clueless eating the candy so he probably didn't hear.

But the silence did catch his attention looking at everyone confused which lead him to land his eyes on me and finally I took the chance to talk to him while everyone conversed with each other separately, just walking up to him seeing him smile.

"Hi there." He just giggled a bit looking down at his hands making me smile a bit. "Jae and Younghyun aren't going to give me an alligator are anything right?" I shook my head taking one of his hands.

"No, I think they are to broke to buy an alligator anyway." He let out a small laugh again and went forward to hug me which caught me off guard because I was planning to hug him but this is okay too. He's a very clingy person so I should have expected it anyway.

"Happy birthday Pillie." I planted a small kiss on his head and he just hugged me tighter from what I could feel, Sungjin interrupting us.

"Alright gays, stop hugging the bell rung while you were being homosexuals." I heard Wonpil laugh and I did too, just separating from the hug walking to our class and sitting down. I was getting my notes out when our teacher walked up, mainly to Wonpil and just crouched down in front of our desk.

"I know some kids don't like it, so do you want us to sing happy birthday or no?" Wonpil almost immediately shook his head no, so thank god the teacher asked. She nodded and stood up again giving him a little gold star making him smile and laugh a bit. "Well, then happy birthday Kim."

I kinda cringed at the last name calling always doing so when teachers called their students by their last name but gave her a small smile since she was just being respectful. She went back to her desk and started class, and we were just watching a movie since it was a short day. So after a few minutes of setting the screen up, she turned the lights off so it was darker in the room, and started the movie.

Wonpil was just resting his chin on his right hand with his left hand free, so like before I just held it, not bothering to put it under the table since no one would see anyway. Once he realized what I did he put his face in his other hand shyly, smiling.

I just smiled back at his reaction resting my head on the table, so I was eye level with him looking down and he made eye contact with me. Me having to whisper to not catch anyone else's attention but his.

"I love youuuuuu."

He giggled a bit, giving me a gummy smile looking up to make sure no one else was paying attention and looked back at me, doing the same whisper voice as me.

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