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Waking up was anything but peaceful as it should be. More of confused and a bit stressed, new things hitting me like a truck. Wonpil was still there thankfully, and he was still sleeping, but as much as I'd love to be all cuddled up, and close to my boyfriend, i don't think him being sick and in a cold sweat would help me wake up calm and happy.

For starters, it was difficult to decide if i even wanted to move from where i was. Sure i would hate it if i woke the boy above me up, and made him feel bad for basically acting like a human sweat machine on me. But i would also hate it if i stayed like this, sweat being one of the things that grosses me out, unless it was there in a different kind of situation aside from being sick, a situation where it would be expected.

Thankfully he woke up on his own and i didn't have to disturb him, but much like my experience, he woke up in a manner he didn't necessarily enjoy either. And if anything it was worse for him since he was the one actually suffering from being sick.

The boy lazily opened his eyes a bit, still looking like he was sleep deprived for days, bringing his hand up to rub his face. "Dowoonieee." His head basically fall back into my shoulder, and he just let out a little whine in pain even if it only fell a few inches. I just let out a little hum, not feeling the need to talk.

"My head hurts." He sat up, wrapping the blanket tightly around himself sitting against the couch instead of putting his weight on me. "And I'm still really cold, my voice feels like death."

The smaller pulled the blanket up more so it was on his head, the only part of him showing was just his face, his eyes still closed and his chin resting on his knees that were scrunched up to his chest.

"Maybe Sungjin was right about you dying baby." He kicked his leg out, almost hitting a place that wouldn't be so pleasant to be hit, and i just chuckled at him seeing the tired pouty state he was in. Sure it sucked, a lot, seeing him sick and basically suffering, but that sure as hell doesn't mean i can't still appreciate him being pouty.

"I'm just kidding Piri." I rubbed his hair lightly, knowing movements weren't really the best thing for someone who has a bad headache and put my hand on his shoulder. "Do you want to shower or take a bath while i cook something for you?"

He thought for a bit, I'm assuming he was contemplating on if he was hungry or, wanted to get up, or even both. In the end, be nodded. "Do you want me to set it up for you?" He shook his head lightly, waving his hand. "No i can do it myself, I'm okay." I nodded standing up, him doing the same letting the blanket drop finally, wrapping his arms around himself.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me then, oooor do you want me to join you?" He squinted his eyes at me, throwing a small throw pillow at me, the item hitting my shoulder as i chuckled.

"No, I'm sick, shy, and dying Woonie." I playfully rolled my eyes walking to the kitchen, opening a cabinet seeing the new items i had.

"I'm surprised you're still shy angel, I've seen everything already."

"I-I'm throwing a darn bar of soap at you the second i get out of the bath."

We both chuckled a bit and he finally walked off into the restroom, turning on the tub while i still looked around the kitchen for things i could use.

Supper salty and spicy things wouldn't really help his state right now, so even if I was craving something like spicy ramen i really couldn't put the boy through more suffering honestly.

After maybe an hour of pondering around the kitchen and looking up random recipes then finally cooking, i managed to make chicken soup with ginseng without burning myself or the house down. Now the only thing left i needed to do is change my gross clothes now, having completely forgotten them when Wonpil woke up.

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