it didn't go my way

341 26 21

Dowoon woke up hissing at how bright his room was. It was brighter than it normally was when he woke up on the weekends, there would still be a little bit of the night sky up. But it looked like the sun took over the entire sky.

He started to internally panic. He picked up his phone and looked at the time.


"Fuck, Why did i have to stay up so late studying." He ran his fingers though is hair quickly thinking of a plan quickly to get ready and still have enough time to get to the cafe.

He thought to himself and 'quickly' set up a plan. Which waisted 6 minutes of his time to make. And did everything according to it.

He was out of the house by 2:55. The cafe address Wonpil gave him wasn't far, so he would just have to keep up a fast walk to make it. Of course, his mind couldn't stop worrying and he didn't want to keep Wonpil waiting to long, so he just did a light jog and got there by 2:57.

He opened the door and looked around the cafe. It had a calm and welcoming atmosphere. He looked around and saw cute little characters like Rilakkuma and totoro, and laughed to himself understanding why Wonpil liked this place. He noted how Wonpil probably was fond of cute things.

From him having cute stationary items, to using cute emoticons when he texted. Dowoon didn't think it was weird of him, if anything he like it, and thought it was cute.

He didn't blame Wonpil. He knew he liked some cute things too, but couldn't really point out what.

Dowoon looked around more, now carefully scanning the cafe and saw Wonpil on his phone, sitting on one of the chairs near a wall, with vines and flowers.

Wonpil looked up from his phone, spotted Dowoon, and shyly waved at him, and gave a shy smile.

Dowoon walked up to him and Wonpil quickly stood up and slightly bowed to him.

Dowoon looked at him shocked "why are you so formal all of a sudden, we already know each other."
Dowoon let out a small laugh before Wonpil spoke

"Sorry hyung ."

"Hyung? What year where you born?"


Dowoon let out a small laugh. "Well i was born 1995. You're actually my hyung. Hyung~."

The way he said the last word was in a teasing tone and Wonpil looked down at his feet. making it look like his shoes are the most interesting thing in the world.

"Sorry, i thought you where older than me."

Dowoon smiled at the cute boy, and ruffled his hair.

Wonpil looked up at Dowoons hand on his head, and then Dowoons eyes. The younger froze but quickly took his hand away, and this time it was Dowoons turn to give a shy smile.

"I-it's okay, i would understand how you think i was older. You do look a lot more innocent and cuter than i do."

The two laughed at Dowoons comment, Wonpil having a small blush creep up on him first, and sat down next to each other. A waitress finally went up to the two and took their orders.

After a few minutes their drinks finally arrived.
Dowoon got just a simple Iced caramel macchiato. But Wonpil got some light blue sugary drink with rainbow sprinkles on top along with some cotten candy.

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