I like you

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Nothing really happened after what Jae told Dowoon. It's been about two months of knowing each other and not thing crazy or out of the ordinary has happened, to Wonpil at least. Dowoon was having to take cold showers more, not just in the morning. But The two boys just got closer. Younghyun and Jae got so much closer to each other, in more ways than one...anyway. Dowoon was starting to get to know Wonpil more and vice versa.

As for what's happening in school, nothings changed ether. The two boys just talk or read during class because they finished their project.

Wonpil just left Dowoons house because his mom called him over for something urgent and Dowoon was just laying on his bed scrolling though Instagram till he got a notification telling him he got added to a group chat.

-The Gays group chat (and the straight mom)-

Younghyun... hyung🦊
Alright, Jae, Sungjin, Dowoon. Welcome to this crack head group chat.

Sungjin Eomma 🐻
Why am i here?

Jaehyung 🐥
Deal with it bob

Wait, am i the mom? Because if I'm not i want out of this group chat. I ain't gay. And where's Wonpil if you added everyone in our group?

Younghyun... hyung🦊
"I ain't gay" yeah right Dowoon said the one who talks about Wonpil the second they get into the group chat. A blind person can see that you like him. Just suck his dick already

Jaehyung 🐥
BRIAN THATS GROSE. Wonpil is a brat and a snake but don't say those things about him, it's like you talking about my annoying little brother and his friend sucking him off.

Sungjin Eomma 🐻
How can you be nice to him but still a be a bitch at the same time i don't understand

Jaehyung 🐥
Stfu bob

Younghyun... hyung🦊
Stop arguing we have important things we need to discus.
Have u seen anyone's dick except your own?

Jaehyung 🐥
Yeah sure "important things "


Younghyun... hyung🦊
Do you wAnt to see someone's? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jaehyung 🐥
Don't you dare send him a dick pic

Younghyun... hyung🦊
I won't, those are for you baby ;)


Sungjin Eomma 🐻

Please don't ever say that again

Sungjin Eomma 🐻
I agree with Dowoon

Younghyun... hyung🦊
Dowoon have you ever had a crush on a girl?

Dowoon thought to himself thinking about Younghyuns question

'What does a crush exactly feel like?'

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