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Dowoon Pov:

Most of the week was uneventful for me and the other five boys. We just went to school and studied for the most part, especially since finals were coming up. The only interesting part was today, Friday.

For Jae and Younghyun at least. All of us were invited to a party and wingus and dingus were hyped up about it. Sungjin and Junghyeok were busy so they couldn't go. Which honestly i wish i made plans instead of going to another stupid high school party.

"Aren't you scared of party's Dowoon?" I looked behind me at Wonpil sprawled out on my bed looking up at the cealing probably thinking. I guess there was always the fear of the cops coming and arresting people for underage drinking but i never drank anything with alcohol, i mainly stuck to soda so i was always okay.

"Not really, there's not much to be scared of." He hummed and turned his head to the left, to look at me. "Aren't you scared of like, all the drunk teens? Don't people get in fights and stuff? Don't people like drug each others drinks?"

I nodded and he looked at me surprised. "That won't happen to any of us though, it's fine. I'll make sure no one, especially Younghyun and Jae, get into any fights." I looked at my phone seeing previous texts from the one of the boys i was previously talking about.

Fucktard K
Bitch don't take your eyes off your drinks tonight

If you do, it's not your drink anymore

Also only drink water or soda

I doubt you two would drink alcohol anyway so i guess that's Gucci

And make sure to pour your own drinkS


I laughed at my phone. Why is he so worried? I've been over this before. "And Younghyun is on our asses for making sure we are watching our drinks twenty four seven for some reason so i doubt any drugging will happen tonight."

Hs nodded as we walked a few minutes to whoever's house we were going to. Honestly i hardly know this person, Younghyun just sent me an address and said nothing more really.

We walked in the house, my ears already starting to hurt from the loud music along with my head hurting from the flashing lights. I saw a lot of people already here, but even now it looks like it hasn't reached the nights peek yet. I led Wonpil to what should be the kitchen to get drinks making sure to pour our own like Younghyun said. Wonpil just getting a grape soda while i stuck with water feeling a little dehydrated.

I saw Jae and Younghyun walk up to us, Jae holding a red solo cup already looking red clinging to Younghyun. "Looks like you two started early." Jae just let out a long laugh, hitting Younghyuns shoulder and he rolled his eyes at Jaes drunken state and shook his head.

"Jae started early, I'm just drinking water. Alcohol is gross." I nodded and Wonpil did too. He's never really had alcohol aside from that event almost every kid has were they drink something like vodka thinking it was water or bear thinking it was apple cider on accident.

Jae just drank the rest of whatever was in his cup throwing it on the ground once every drop was gone. "YALL FCING WEAK."

Younghyun looked at Jae a little unsettled. "Jae stop drinking, you'll be passed out before we even get to talk to anyone." Jae just narrowed his eyes at Younghyun, and walked up to were the drinks were and poured another cup and chugged it, ignoring him. Sighing once he finished drunkly mumbling something i think only Younghyun heard.

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