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I woke up basically dragging myself out of bed and getting to school almost late but thankfully I usually get to school early so I was there five minutes before the bell rang.

Younghyun noticed me first waving to me and I just put my hand up shortly while he gave me a confused look after I did so. "Damn grumpy much?" I glared at him rubbing my eyes since they still felt tired, but I felt awake.

"Wonpil isn't here and I'm sad as fuck."

Sungjin chuckled patting my back and resting his hand on my shoulder. "Welcome to my world buddy."

I looked at Sungjin about to agree with him since he and Junhyeok don't go to the same school but. "Don't you two live together Sung-" he looked at me confused before letting out an oh chuckling. "Ah yeah forgot that for a second. Yeah not sucks to suck Dowoon." I rolled my eyes at him and hit his hand off my shoulder.

Yeah I know people can skip school whenever they want or need, and it's fine of Wonpil does but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna miss him- even if it's for one or two days but still it's out of routine.

Jae stared at me and tilted his head a bit, looking confused. "What are you gonna do today then? Don't you sit next to him?" I nodded and rubbed my eyes again. "I don't know maybe try to actually start planing for his birthday-"

"FUCK STICKS I NEED TO BAKE A CAKE." Everyone looked at Sungjin wide-eyed, including me and he covered his mouth, and for once I saw him embarrassed. "Uh, sorry." I just chuckled at him and Younghyun looked to me slanting his head a bit.

"So what are you planing?" I shrugged my shoulders and jumped at the sound of the bell ringing in the back. Seeing Jae give Younghyun a quick hug letting out a bye to all of us before running off to his class and the rest of us walked to ours.

"Uh. It's this Friday right?" I looked to my side seeing that Sungjin was the one to ask it and nodded. "Yeah, and it's a short day so we have more time to celebrate."

Younghyun looked at me and I saw a smirk on his face chuckling a bit. "Do you want us to leave a little early so you can have some, alone time?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and him and he just looked disappointed at my expression. "Why did you say alone time like that?"

He looked at me with a dumbfounded expression and Sungjin just glared at him shaking his head and by Sungjins expression I knew it wasn't anything good.

"Sex Dowoon. You fucking goldfish brain. Do you need us to leave to fuck"

I ignored him and walked faster into the class, hearing Younghyun chuckle lightly behind and I heard him say he didn't say no before I sat down in my seat. The teacher walked in shortly and we all started on a new set of notes.

And expected class was boring without Wonpil, but I did get to think of a solid plan for Friday which is good. Shooting Sungjin a little text that we needed to go to the store after school to buy things too. Without my knowledge, Younghyun and Jae ended up tagging along which I don't mind. It's just that them together is loud as hell and I really hope they don't burn down the store. The two were also in Sungjins car before me, which startled me at first but I just accepted that I would be stuck with two hell-spawned uncles and got in the car getting to the store after maybe ten minutes.

"So what do we need to get you love bird?" I chuckled at Jae's comment and looked up from my phone seeing that he was on Younghyuns back, clinging to the front of his shirt so he wouldn't slip off. The shorter even trying not to topple over onto the floor too.

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