I want to love you. -M-

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"D-Dowoon?" The boy who's name was called looked up from his phone he was typing on and looked at the small boy.

"Um, Do you think we could do it?" Dowoon cocked his head in confusion.

"What do you mean by it?"

Wonpil sunk himself deeper under the blanket he was already under. "I mean like, what we talked about yesterday." Dowoon thought through what the two boys talked about that day and remembered the conversation they had with Younghyun.

"I- Wonpil." Dowoon put his phone on his nightstand and ran his hand though his hair. "I-i don't think you really understand how important that kind of thing is. You can't just throw it away."

The older sat up and looked at Dowoon a little startled. "I wouldn't be throwing it away. Younghyun said do it with the person you really really really like. I-I'm willing to do it with you." Wonpil probably just realized what he said because his cheeks where dusted a light pink and he was avoiding Dowoons eyes at all costs.

"I know, but I-i don't really know if you actually want it. I don't know if you feel pressured to do it with me. You might regret it later in life and i don't want to have regret or guilt or anything like that."

Wonpil looked down that the blanket and played with some lose strings on it. "I know. I actually want to do it with you though. I wouldn't regret it at all, and i don't feel pressured to do it."

Dowoon looked at Wonpil in surprise. And sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry." Dowoon laughed at himself lightly, out pity for himself. "i just thought i was the only one that wanted it."

He looked down at Wonpil's hands fidgeting with the strings, and let out along sigh. He looked back up at Wonpil's eyes what were still focused on the strings and said, "Are you sure you actually want to do it?"

Wonpil nodded, finally looking at Dowoon with a soft smile and Dowoon smiled back at him. He hesitantly moved closer to Wonpil, still sitting on the edge of the bed but with both his hands on ether side of Wonpil. And moved closer to his face to softly kiss the older. He gently moved the blanket off Wonpil, noticing that he only had his boxers on, and moved onto the bed more, having his legs on ether side of Wonpil like his hands, not sitting on the edge any longer.

Dowoon made sure to keep the kiss soft while he moved in between the boys legs, and moved his hand from the side of Wonpil, to his cheek to cup it Gently rubbing his thumbs on it. He had Wonpil move down, his back coming in contact with the bed so he wouldn't be uncomfortably sitting up any longer.

Dowoon broke the kiss and looked at Wonpil, then his sweater while lightly tugging on it. "Can I take it off?" Wonpil nodded, and Dowoon slipped it off the boys small frame, and rested his hands on his torso.

The hairs on the back of Wonpil's neck stood up at Dowoons cold hands on his skin, and he squirmed under his touch. Dowoon laughed at Wonpil's reaction and let out a small "sorry".

He went back to kissing Wonpil. Tilting his head to the side more, and lightly licked the smallers bottom lip. Wonpil parted his mouth slightly letting Dowoons tung lightly roam around his mouth, and Wonpil melting into the kiss.

Dowoon could feel the heat coming off the olders cheeks and before he broke the kiss he went to lightly sucking his lips. He finally pulled away from his lips to catch his breath, and finally saw Wonpil. The sight of him could make him breathless again. He had his cheeks dusted pink, swollen pink lips, and was lightly panting through his mouth from the lack of air he got durning the kiss.

He admired how pretty Wonpil was, especially how he looked right now, and smiled at him. Wonpil just returned a shy smile and Dowoon leaned back down to kiss him again.

I Like You ♡ Dopil ♡Where stories live. Discover now