I've thought of you like this -SM-

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Once the four boys got to Younghyuns house they all settled down on the couch in the living room, and turned on the tv. They all just sat there for a little while. Younghyun and Jae where very close together to the point where Wonpil and Dowoon noticed it.

But on the other hand, Dowoon and Wonpil where at lest 2 feet apart.

After a few minutes of watching tv. Younghyun got up and went to his desktop computer on the other side of the living room.

"What do you guys want to eat from KFC?"
Jaes head shot in Younghyuns direction and he yelled out "I'm not eating anything from there. I'm not a cannibal."

Younghyun just gave him a look of pure confusion, till Wonpil typed something into his phone and held it next to Jae. Younghyun looked at it for on second and immediately nodded and looked at Wonpil.

"Yeah he does look like chicken little." Jae lightly threw a pillow at Younghyun from across the room and turned his attention back to the Tv. "Just get me Mac & cheese or something, or lobster if they have it."

Younghyun looked back at Jae lightly laughing. "They don't have lobster at KFC Jae."

Younghyun finally finished putting down the order and sent it in. After a little while of waiting, someone finally knocked on the door and Younghyun took the food from them. He called Jae over in the kitchen with him, while Wonpil and Dowoon where still focused on the Tv.

They could only see was a table in the kitchen from where they were sitting, and the rest of the room was cut off by the door way. Dowoon looked at the kitchen because he heard some whispering when they where at the table. Jae kept looking at the two boys like he was worried or concerned about something. And Younghyun was just shaking his head smirking at Jae.

Dowoon looked away from the tv for a second then back to Jae and Younghyun at the table, and saw Jae being pushed back by Younghyun, but the door way prevented him to see where he was being pushed back against, and what was happening.

All he could hear was that there was a small thump, probably Jaes back hitting a wall or a cabinet.

Dowoon was a little concerned at what his friend was doing to Jae, and contemplated whether he should check up on them. but his thoughts stoped when he saw the tv change channels very fast. He looked over to his left to where Wonpil was and saw Wonpil clicking the remote.

"Is everything alright Wonpil?" Wonpil nodded and finally chose a channel to watch. "Yeah there was just something bad in the other channel. Jae told me not to watch stuff like that so i had to change it."
Dowoon looked at him confused. "What show was it?" Wonpil thought to himself before speaking up again. "I think it's called Free, it's an anime."

Dowoon squinted his eyes
'He's not aloud to watch Free? It's literally just a bunch of guys swimming.'
Dowoon brushed it off, and looked at the kitchen door when Jae and Younghyun walked into the living room with the bags of food.

Dowoons concern he was feeling for Jae was gone when he saw the two, but it was quickly replaced with shock when he saw Jaes cheeks dusted a deep shade of red. And both of the boys lips where swollen. Younghyun smirking, and Jae looking annoyed but you could see a small smile. Jae dropped one of the bags of food in front of Wonpil while Younghyun gently handed Dowoon his bag.

They just talked for a bit. Jae catching up with Wonpil so Younghyun and Dowoon talked to each other.

"So Dowoon what do you think of Wonpil?"
He younger looked at Younghyun. "I don't know. Cool. He's just like any other friend." Dowoon took a pice of chicken while Younghyun spoke up.

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