But if you dont feel the same

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The two cleaned up their dinner and movie mess and went into Dowoons room.
Dowoon changed into a black T-shirt and sweatpants while Wonpil just stayed in Dowoons pink sweeter and sweatpants and the two just sat in bed on their phones.

Dowoon scrolled though Instagram and saw a new post on Younghyuns Instagram. It was a post with his hand and another hand holding a fancy looking cup of coffee. He clicked on the picture and saw that an account was tagged.


He remembered how the three boys where talking about Jae looking like chicken little on Sunday and realized it was actually Jaehyungs account. He clicked follow.

He was about to read some random article till he felt Wonpil lightly tug his sleeve on his arm. The boy was rubbing his left eye with his hand while it was in a small fist, and he had a tired pout. "Can we go to bed now? M tired."

Dowoon internally screamed looking at the cute boy in front of him and nodded. His response being a bit delayed, but Wonpil was to tired to notice.

Dowoon got up, turned off the room light, and quickly got back to the bed. Dowoon lifted the blanket and got under it. Wonpil motioned grabby hands to him and Dowoon scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around his back, his hand brushing Wonpil's hair.

He thought Wonpil was already fast asleep but he softly asked "Are we going to school tomorrow?"

Dowoon laughed at Wonpil's question before saying "No." And the smaller hummed in response to tired to talk now. "We could do something tomorrow though. Do you wanna go to the plaza and just shop and stuff?"
Wonpil just hummed another "Mhm." And Dowoon nodded.

The two just laid there in bed in silence and drifted off to sleep.

Dowoon and Wonpil ended up waking up at 1PM and getting out of Dowoons bed at 2PM.

They took the subway to the plaza and walked around for a little while. "What do you want to do while we're here?" Wonpil took a few seconds to think before looking up at Dowoon and speaking. "Do you think we could go to the music shop? I need to find some new sheet music." Dowoon nodded and walked to the music shop.

Wonpil immediately ran to the music sheet section and looked through what looked like piano music sheets. He sat down at the floor probably to comfortably read the sheets.

"Wait you play the piano?" Wonpil happily nodded. "I've been playing sense i was really really young. My aunt owns a music shop." Dowoon looked at some of the music sheets on the shelf and saw 'We must Love by ONF.' Dowoon picked it up surprised that this shop wasn't only selling random classical songs.

The smaller looked up at Dowoon and he held out the few sheets of paper. Wonpil's eyes widened immediately and he quickly took it.
"THEY HAVE ONF?" Wonpil covered his mouth after he yelled out of surprise and looked around. He removed his hand once he realized him and Dowoon where the only ones in the store.

He looked down at the papers in his hands and smiled at them. "I think I'm going to buy this one. Thank you!" He looked up at dowoon and gave him a gummy smile, and ran up to the cashier to purchase the sheets. Once he bought it, he looked around the shop and spotted a piano. He ran up the the piano, Dowoon slowly followed behind.

'Does he normally have this much energy?'

Dowoon sat next to Wonpil in the wide stool and watched as Wonpil placed down the sheet music and placed his fingers on the keys.

He listened to Wonpil play the familiar song and looked at the smallers face. He looked so focused but he had a small smile on his face. He looked like the really enjoys what he was doing. His fingers gracefully pressed the keys and he finished the song with minimal errors. Dowoon quickly clapped for him and the smaller shyly smiled at him.

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