There aren't many days

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A familiar ringtone ran through dowoons ears as he started to wake up from a deep sleep. He rolled over to his side table where the noise was admitting from and ended the annoying ringtone.

Opening his eyes slowly from the burn that the light was giving them. He got ready forcing himself to get out of bed and got ready for school.

'Thank god that it's the second semester'

Dowoon pulled out his phone seeing a familiar contact text him. "I'm here, hurry up or I'm leaving without you."

He sighed, accepting that he had to go to school and grabbed his backpack off the ground that was next to his bed, and walked outside. He saw his friend sitting in the drivers seat of a red truck. He had medium length brown hair, and had a very strong resemblance to a cartoon character bob the builder.... but korean.

"Sungjin" The younger spoke up waving at him, and opening the door to get into the passengers seat of the car.

"Hey dowoon." They didn't exchange any other words on the way to school. Sungjin just sang along to TT while Dowoon tried not to fall asleep. Tiredly laughing at Sungjin time to time.

"God Dowoon your such a baby. Wake up. You should be used to waking up at his time.".

He just responded in a tired tone"Well your such a mom. Nagging at me, but you don't hear me complaining about that"
Sungjin looked at him with wide eyes and flicked his head, quickly looking back at the road. "Yes you do you idiot!"

Dowoon rubbed his head in pain, and finally arrived at school. They walked up to their class trying to get there quickly. Of course their friend Younghyun stoped them before they could get halfway there.

"Hi sungjin-hyung! Hi dowoon-ieeee."
He ruffled the youngest hair. With a smile plastered on his face.

Both the boys looked at him baffled and concerned. Dowoon looked at sungjin confused, both of them going back and fourth at looking at younghyuns weird state, and each other.

"Why are you guys looking at me like I'm crazy?" His smile not even fading from his face.

"Because you are. Why are you so weird and happy today?"

the topic of his happiness made Younghyuns smile somehow got wider which both the boys didn't even think was possible at this point.

"I'll tell you guys later, maybe in privet."

They decided to just leave the topic alone knowing they won't get anything more out of him.

The three boys walked to their class. People, mostly girls, greeting and waving at Younghyun. He was relatively popular around school ever since freshman year, and his friendly personality only added to it. He just waved back and said hello to the familiar faces.

Dowoon was greeted by teachers in he halls, more than other students. He was still well known around the school, just not as much as Younghyun. He was a shy and quiet person that never caused trouble, and would get his work done effortlessly. Teachers liked and admired him for that. He was almost always the teachers favorite.

If it wasn't Dowoon that was the teachers favorite, it was Sungjins. He had amazing grades and Younghyun and Dowoon where really his only close friends do he almost never talked inside of school, which teachers always like.

Once the three got to their class and sat in there seats. Which were right next to each other. Dowoon in the middle but end of the table he shared with Sungjin to his left. And Younghyuns table to the right of Dowoon and no one in the seat next to Younghyun.

The three just went to do their own thing, Sungjin and Dowoon reading, while Younghyun went on his phone to text someone. The class room piled with students, the room gradually getting louder, and finally the bell rang, and the teacher entered the class room.

"Hello class, i just wanted to make a small announcement that there will be a new student in this class. He's been here but he's just transferring classes. You've probably seen him around."

As soon as she finished a boy that was that was shorter than Dowoon walked into the class room. He had dark red hair and a very strong jawline. It was hard for Dowoon to go back to his book he was reading from.

"Sungjin would you go to the seat in the front so the new student could sit next to Dowoon?"
The teacher probably didn't know the new kids personality and didn't know if he was much of a talker, so it made sense that she placed him next to Dowoon. One of the quietest kids in class.

Sungjin gathered his belongings and moved to the front of the class. Dowoon giving him a stressed look that just screamed 'don't leave me' before he left.

The new kid walked up to his new desk, and took his seat next to Dowoon. He moved his eyes back to his book and kept his eyes locked on it, until the new kid pulled out his pencil case. It was a cute pencil case shaped like a milk carten , with a banana milk label on it. Dowoon smiled to himself thinking it was cute that this almost high school graduate still had cute stationary items.

Dowoon snapped out of looking at the cute pencil case when the teacher spoke up.
"Okay class lets get started!"

Dowoon tried to give all his attention to the teacher. But all through out class the boy was distracting him.

Not in a bad way. He wasn't making any noise or doing anything bad. He was just there. Paying attention to the teacher like any other student would. Dowoon just thought that this boy was unique.

Although Dowoon was a shy and quiet person, this new kid captivated his mind and he wanted to at least get to know him.

'Should i introduce myself?'

Dowoon mindlessly doodled flowers on his notebook while he kept thinking of things to introduce himself to this new kid, but nothing was quite right to him.

'I normally have no problem talking to people, why is this so difficult '. He rested his chin on his head in annoyance with his own mind. Waiting to build up some courage to talk to him.

When school was almost over Dowoon finally mustered up the courage to talk to him. he hesitantly looked at the new kid and spoke up.

"H-hello." Dowoon mentally face palmed himself for stuttering, panicking more when he realized he actually got the boys attention and he was looking at him in confusion.

He gave the boy a friendly smile, and finally spoke again "I'm Yoon Dowoon."

The boy looked at Dowoon a bit worried or scared, probably not expecting anyone to talk to him, and let out something inaudible. Avoiding Dowoons eyes.

"Pardon? I didn't really catch what you said. Sorry." He let out a small laugh at the end to try to hide his awkwardness that was radiating off him.

After a few seconds of silence, the boy probably collecting his thoughts said.

"I'm Kim Wonpil."

The boy named Wonpil looked at him with wide eyes that Dowoon could get lost in.

He thought they were so beautiful and unique. He was slightly cross eyed, and had a soft almond shape, they had a very dark color. Before Dowoon could say anymore, the bell rang. Wonpil ran out of the class room stumbling a little bit. Dowoon stood up and started to collect his things but paused, and looked down at his desk and smiled, thinking to himself.

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