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"My parents kinda kicked me out."

I looked at Sungjin nodding my head- before i really processed what he said. "Wait what?" He shrugged standing up from sitting on the couch swinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Wait no no no I think Junghyeok can wait for a little while. Why did your parents kick you out?"

He let out a sigh, slumping back down in his seat, setting his backpack next to him. "Junghyeok."

Junghyeok? Literally a angel that couldn't hurt a fly- i honestly think he would be scared of flys. Was the cause of Sungjin getting kicked out. "Uh, How the fuck did Junghyeok out of all people get you kicked out?"

"Oh he didn't really do anything, my parents just found out I was dating him. Homophobic shits."

oh- Honestly i kinda suspected his parents were homophobic, but so much that they decided to just kick him out? I honestly don't know if i should be surprised or not, but i am. I was never really close to his parents but i know mom is extremely religious and didn't tolerate anything 'sinful' or something like that, i don't know. His dad was religious, just not as much, but he honestly had one of those stone cold business man vibes, and being in Korea, it probably wasn't ideal for a high up business man to have a son that was dating another boy which is honestly absolute bull shit.

"How did they find out?" He chuckled a bit. "I was kinda being a dumb shit and posted a picture of him and me on my Instagram and I forgot my dad kinda follows me, sooo yeah." He bit the inside of his cheek looking at me probably waiting for my response but i couldn't think of anything. How is he even being so casual about this, is he in shock and this was his way of handling it or something? He's always been one to handle his feelings well but this situation is on a way different level than something like getting a F on a test or one of his pets dying.

I felt dumb just sitting here with nothing to say, and I couldn't empathize with him at all so that's out of the question. "So. What are you going to do now?"

"Well I'm moving in with Junghyeok and his dad now. That's why his dad made us clean out the boxes in the other room."

Well at least he's just saying a big fuck you to his parents and moving in with his boyfriend. I nodded glad he at least had a place to stay. Even if he didn't i would have gladly let him stay here as long as he wanted and needed. Our school is a public school so he wouldn't need to pay for it, and even if he did he's pretty good with finding small jobs to pay it off.

"Well, that's good." He nodded his head kinda avoiding my eyes looking uncomfortable . He was never one to really talk about his own problems so i could get why he was like this. I might as well change the subject to something he likes so he's not so tense looking and more comfortable . "How do you think it's going to be living with your boyfriend?"

He looked at me confused before picking up a pillow next to him throwing it at my face. "You dirty minded bitch get your mind out of the gutter!" I threw the pillow back at him sticking my tongue out at him.

"Hyung i meant like will you guys be all cuddling and cute and shit I'm not Jae and Younghyun. I wasn't implying if you two will fuck." He chuckled and nodded putting the pillow he was about to throw back down next to him. "But." He looked at me with confused eyes before i continued. "Would you guys even do any of that stuff?"

And just like that he picked the pillow back up and threw it at my shoulder electing a small laugh from me. "Whaaaat? Would you?" He rolled his eyes at me and slumped down more in his seat.

"I don't think we would anytime soon. I don't wanna hurt him while doing it. Like have you seen him? He's so tiny and fragile looking he literally dropped a pen on his foot the other day and almost cried about it, his pain tolerance is so low." I chuckled understanding. I mean he is the shortest and smallest out of all of us, even Wonpil, and I'm not surprised is pain tolerance is so low. But i mean if he wants to do it he can go through the pain i guess.

Wait- Does he even know how to do it? So does he even want it? "Did someone even tell him how people fuck yet?" He looked at me unamused before he nodded. "Yeah. Well. Kinda. One of his friends sent him a comic, something called window beyond window and- he read almost all of it and yeah."

shit- I've read that and it's everything BUT holy.
(A/n lmao don't read it unless your eyes are already tainted please.)

"How did he like. uh React to it?" He looked off somewhere winding his eyes, the experience maybe still being pretty clear in his mind.

"Uh." He chuckled rubbing the back of his neck, his words hard to hear from him mumbling them especially towards the end. "Lets just say he was very confused, he almost cried, and it was a struggle for him to take a cold shower..."

I chuckled, out of all ways he could find out it was through a smutty ass comic. "Did he ask any questions about it?" He shook his head. "It...only happened yesterday." He let out a tired chuckle. "I'm sure he'll ask me about it today- I'm still sugar coating the shit out of everything though." I nodded understanding. I mean i don't think he would want to pull a Younghyun and just be so blunt, he would probably add sprinkles and stars and stuff like that, anything to not scar the poor kid- even though he's older than me, never mind.

"Welp, i guess almost everything is cleared up, i think." He nodded. "Do you wanna go to Junghyeok now?" He chuckled standing up throwing his backpack over his shoulder. "Please." I stood up after him, giving him a small hug before he left even if he was all awkward about it. He never really enjoyed skin ship unless i guess it was with Junghyeok and i guess i had a pass to because he would literally smack Jae or Younghyun if they tried to shake his hand or brush against his shoulder.

He left my house almost right after and i just sat on my couch for the rest of the day scrolling through Instagram resuming to eat my sad excuse of a sandwich.

I literally spent freaking ₩20,000 on SLIME
But aye i only spent like probably ₩40,000 on THREE albums and that made me happy uwu . They
are so cheep here and their official so that's Gucci

These are my new children uwu ALSO I GOT A WOOZI BOOK MARK I LOVE MY 5,5 CHILD SJCJSJCNSJCNSNVNSNG(Edit lmao: i went to a plaza in myeongdong 명동 and got two more albums and the day6 lightstick key chain)

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These are my new children uwu
(Edit lmao: i went to a plaza in myeongdong 명동 and got two more albums and the day6 lightstick key chain)

These are my new children uwu ALSO I GOT A WOOZI BOOK MARK I LOVE MY 5,5 CHILD SJCJSJCNSJCNSNVNSNG(Edit lmao: i went to a plaza in myeongdong 명동 and got two more albums and the day6 lightstick key chain)

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